Page 2 of Dark Princess Emerging
"I like it." Kian finished the last drops of his cappuccino and set the empty cup down. "As for the uniforms, right now everyone is wearing the same black fatigues, and I wouldn't change that for the new division because we need to maintain anonymity, but maybe we can issue pins or patches to denote the two branches."
"That's probably good enough." Syssi lifted her legs onto the couch and tucked them under her. "If you're thinking of putting Bhathian in charge of the Avengers, who do you have in mind for the Saviors?"
"Arwel, if he's up to it. If he's not, I might have to put Peter in charge of the Avengers and Bhathian in charge of the Saviors. Onegus will have to promote Peter to Head Guardian, though, which I don't think he will have a problem with, but some of the other Guardians might. Several have been waiting for a promotion."
"That reminds me." Syssi leaned away slightly. "Do you know when Arwel is going to induce Rob?"
Kian's lips lifted in a knowing smile. "I don't think they have decided on the date yet, but I have another piece of information that you might find even more exciting. Rob and Gertrude have a thing going on."
"What?" Syssi sat up straighter. "How come I didn't know about this, or better yet, how come your mother and Amanda didn't find out? Is the village rumor mill broken?"
Kian chuckled. "I think they are just in the initial stages of their relationship. I saw them together at the clinic when I went to check on Jasmine and Ell-rom, and the looks and smiles Roband the nurse were exchanging over their shared lunch were telling."
"That's wonderful news. It makes me happy that Rob has already found someone. Gertrude is so perfect for him that it's surprising Amanda hasn't thought of matching them. I guess she thought it was too early." She frowned. "Now that I've said it, I realize that it might be indeed too soon after Rob's horrible breakup with his fiancée just days before their wedding. I hope it's not just a rebound romance for him. Gertrude deserves better."
Kian shrugged. "Looked like they were into each other, but I'm not an authority on the subject of romance."
"Oh, but you are." Syssi leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips. "You are the best at it because you are real, and you are all in."
"I am." He wrapped both arms around her and pulled her onto his lap. "And so are you."
"True." She kissed his cheek. "As impossible as it seems, our love grows stronger over time." She leaned her head on Kian's chest.
For some reason, her thoughts wandered to Ell-rom and Jasmine and their nascent relationship. They probably couldn't imagine loving each other more, but they would. "I hope Jasmine wakes up soon. I'm glad that at least Morelle is awake. It would have been much more difficult for Ell-rom if she was also still in a coma. Nevertheless, he is freaking out over Jasmine, and that's understandable. It is taking her a very long time to transition."
"Yes and no." Kian rubbed his hand over her arm. "Some have taken even longer, so I'm not worried, but my mother is impatient for Jasmine to wake up. Morelle encouraged her toinvestigate what happened to Jasmine's mother after Ell-rom suggested that your vision might have been about finding her and not Khiann, but we can't send Guardians to peek into her father's mind to find out what happened to her because Jasmine wants to do it herself and we need to ask her permission first."
"Why would my vision show Jasmine's mother? I mean, it's possible that she has the same eyes as her daughter, but I didn't ask to be shown where she is. I asked to be shown where Khiann was."
"It's just a loose hypothesis, and Ell-rom suggested it as a reach. His reasoning was that when you asked whether Khiann was dead or in stasis, the vision might have revealed something about Jasmine's mother, who might somehow be important to finding Khiann. Jasmine's father never talked about her mother and never took her to see her mother's grave. She doesn't even know where her mother is buried or how she died."
It was a far-fetched idea, but maybe Ell-rom's hunch had been inspired. They still didn't know the extent of his talents, and Amanda was eager to test him as well as Morelle, but since he was glued to Jasmine's side, he couldn't accompany his sister to the university tomorrow.
Amanda was well aware of Ell-rom's death-ray talent, so she wasn't going to examine that or anything that might trigger it, but she wanted to find out whether he had any precognition or telepathic ability in addition to that.
Initially, Morelle used her recuperating as an excuse not to go, but Amanda figured out that she was simply afraid and convinced her to come by explaining what was involved and that it wasn't a big deal. What had finally convinced Morelle, though, was a promise to show her the nursery she had created for Evieand Allegra that now cared for twelve more little ones, with four full-time nannies and a large group of part-time students. It was such a lovely initiative, and Syssi was proud to have played a big part in making it happen.
"Perhaps you should ask for another vision about Khiann or directly about Jasmine's mother," Kian said, surprising her. Usually, he tried to talk her out of seeking visions.
"I can do it right now." She pulled out of his arms and sat beside him.
His eyebrows rose. "Here? Won't I affect your concentration?"
"You might," she admitted. "But I want to try. I've become too dependent on using Allegra to enhance my power. I need to go back to basics and do this on my own." She touched his hand. "If it doesn't work, I can always try again another time with Allegra next to me."
Again, he surprised her by nodding his approval. "Should I move to give you more space?"
"No." She put her hand on his thigh. "You can stay right where you are. Just try not to distract me with your handsomeness."
He laughed. "I'll do my best to tame my magnetism."
Syssi closed her eyes, letting her awareness of the room fade away.
She could feel Kian's solid presence beside her, but instead of distracting her, his warmth was a steadying anchor as she reached for that ethereal space where visions dwelled.
When the familiar sensation of floating began to overtake her, Syssi asked to be shown who the woman in the desert was and how she would help them find Khiann.
Having learned a long time ago not to force visions or direct them too specifically, she opened herself to whatever images might come, trusting that what she needed to see would be revealed in its own time and way.