Page 14 of Dark Princess Emerging
"Clean," Negal confirmed. "No deception, no hidden agendas. They think it must be a reality show or some kind of government experiment, but they're not particularly concerned either way. They are happy with the pay and the all-expenses-paid travel."
"Dagor?" Aru asked.
"Drones attached and tracking," he reported. "I'll watch what they are saying from now until they return here tomorrow."
"I should thank Turner," Aru said. "These men are perfect. They are experienced enough to handle themselves in any situation, disciplined enough to follow instructions without asking toomany questions, and motivated by both money and the promise of traveling the world."
"You should call Kian as well." Dagor opened his laptop. "Tell him that we found hosts for our trackers and are ready to move into his village."
Morelle hadn't said much in the hour or so since they had returned from the university, but her nervous energy was palpable, and with every passing minute, she was growing even more agitated.
"There is no reason for you to be so stressed. You know almost everyone who's joining us for lunch. You've already met Toven, so it's just Cassandra and Arwel who are new. Their mates are not even coming because they couldn't drop what they were doing on such short notice."
Truthfully, he was thankful that Jin wasn't coming. Cassandra and Jin were both headstrong and somewhat intimidating females, and they might have overwhelmed his princess. Meeting them one at a time was preferable.
Or maybe he was underestimating Morelle and was letting his overprotective instincts cloud his judgment. She might be anxious now, but she was a fighter.
"I'm not nervous about meeting new people." She put down the fashion magazine she'd been pretending to browse for the pasthour. "I'm nervous about testing my so-called talent. I don't even know if I want it to work. In fact, I think it would be better if I had no special talent at all. You said that most immortals can't do more than thrall and shroud. I'd rather be like everyone else."
"Oh, but my dear Morelle, you are not an immortal. You are a goddess."
"Half goddess." She crossed her legs. "Half Kra-ell. So, I'm more like the immortals than the gods, right?"
"Not quite." He leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his knees. "The Kra-ell have paranormal abilities and are long-lived. Most humans have no special abilities at all, and their lives are short in comparison."
"I feel pity for them." Morelle picked up the magazine again and started flipping through the pages. "These women are nearly as beautiful as the goddesses, though."
"Not all women look like that, and even these models don't look as good in real life. These photos have been heavily manipulated."
"Oh." She closed the magazine. "That's trickery."
He laughed. "That is just the tip of the iceberg."
Seeing her confused expression, he realized that he shouldn't have used idioms she had no reference for, but before he could explain, Morelle took a deep breath, rose to her feet, and walked over to the full-length mirror positioned next to their bedroom door.
She looked beautiful in the high-waisted dark blue trousers and white short-sleeved shirt. The outfit was deceptively simple, but the quality of the fabrics elevated it to quiet elegance. He madea mental note to thank Melinda for her exceptional work in putting together Morelle's wardrobe.
"You are stunning, sweetheart." He moved to stand behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders.
Funny how that casual endearment felt natural even though he'd never been one to use such terms before.
Morelle was tall for a female, the top of her head reaching his nose when she was wearing flats. In heels, they were nearly eye to eye, though he'd noticed she hadn't touched any of the higher shoes in her closet.
"I have a question," he said.
She turned to face him. "What do you want to know?"
"You're tall for a goddess or an immortal but not for a Kra-ell." He studied her face. "Did you wear elevated shoes under your robes to appear taller?"
She shook her head. "Not all Kra-ell are tall. Some tribes are a little shorter than others."
"Really?" This was new information. "I didn't know that. All the Kra-ell in the village are quite tall."
"Shorter stature is not common, but it's not unusual either." A shadow passed over her face. "It was just one more way I was made to feel inferior. But even if I had wanted heeled shoes, there weren't any available. I wore what other acolytes wore, but unlike them, I never took off the robes and veils when others could see me."