Page 45 of Bloody Lace
“You can’t be serious,” she whispers, swallowing hard, her pretty face going pale. “You can’t?—”
“I am, and I can. You can walk away, Evelyn. Go home to your apartment. I’ll send you the annulment paperwork to sign. You can deal with the threats as you see fit, just like you did today. You can figure out your own path forward, since mine doesn’t seem to work for you. Or you can accept that you made a mistake today, and that you need to be punished. Leave, or bend over that desk, but I won’t ask again, Evelyn. Decide.”
I can see her eyes flicking back and forth, from me, to the desk, to the door, and back again. I can see her wheels turning, her mind desperately trying to accept this option, to decide what she’s willing to submit herself to.
Submit. God, I can’t think of that word again, or my mind will be full of images of Evelyn on her knees, her pretty, sassy mouth open as I slide my cock over her tongue. The thought of Evelynsubmittingis one that could make me come without much effort at all, and I have to drive it out of my head before my cock does more than twitch against my fly.
She swallows hard again, the movement of her throat sending another jolt of desire through me, and then she takes a deep breath, tipping her chin up definitely as she steps towards the desk.
Slowly, as if she’s intending to make this as excruciating for me as possible, she leans forward, bending over the edge of the desk. I see her fingers tremble, and I grit my teeth, trying not to picture what she would look like if she were stretched across it naked instead.
“Undo your pants,” I command. “Push them down to your knees. Your panties, too.”
“In our contract…” Evelyn starts to say, and I chuckle.
“Our contract dictated no sex. Nophysical consummationof our marriage. But we’re not consummating anything, Evelyn, and me seeing you like this doesn’t violate any agreement. You’re going to get a bare-ass spanking with my belt, and you’regoing to count every one of the fifteen strokes.Aloud. Do you understand me? Or you can get up now and leave. Your choice.”
Every word feels harder than the last one to force out, and not just because my cock is steadily hardening despite my best efforts, pushing against my fly with an impatient force. I don’twantto threaten her with all of this. I don’t want to take away what I know she wants so desperately, what I offered to give her. I don’t want to leave her unprotected. And, quite simply, I don’t want her to leave.
But she needs to understand. And this is the best way I can think of, after everything else I’ve tried, to get that point across.
Evelyn’s hand reaches down, undoing the top button of her leather pants. The curve of her ass in the tight, slick fabric is nearly unbearable to see, and I grit my teeth as another jolt of desire makes me fully hard, my cock straining now as I hear the sound of her zipper lowering.
When she reaches behind her with both hands, pushing the leather fabric and the underwear beneath over her ass, I nearly groan aloud. I’d swear on my own grave that this has nothing to do with sex, nothing to do with trying to get inside Evelyn, but right now, I’m starting to realize that maybe I should have thought of some other means of punishment.
Or maybe I should have been satisfied with her leaving her pantsonwhile I spanked her.
Mine are so tight that I’m worried a seam might burst as I step forward, trying not to look only at the perfect curve of her ass. “Hands over your head,” I tell her curtly, each word coming out as sharp as the crack of my belt will be in a moment. “Grip the desk above you. And don’t let go. If you let go, or if you fail to count, we’ll start over. Understand,l’vitsa?”
I see her flinch at the use of the pet name I’ve called her since we met, and truthfully, I don’t know why it came out atthis moment. It certainly isn’t appropriate for what’s happening right now.
Her lips press together tightly, and I can tell she wants to fight me on this. But her hands slide up the desk, fingers gliding over the wood until they curl around the edge of it, gripping tightly as she closes her eyes.
“No,l’vitsa,” I murmur, my voice hoarser than it should be. I shouldn’t be taking pleasure in this. This should be a necessity, a task—but I can’t stop looking at the smooth skin of her lower back where her sweater has ridden up, the perfect curve just below, the shape of her hip and the smooth skin of her thigh. I’m doing everything in my power not to let my eyes stray between them, to give in to the desire to see if her pussy is as soft and tempting as I’ve imagined, but I have a feeling that before this is over, I’m going to fail in that, too.
I want to devour every inch of her, and not just with my eyes.
“Keep your eyes open,” I command, and I see her squint them shut tighter before she lets them open, a tiny defiance as a shudder runs through her body. “I want to see you take your punishment,l’vitsa. I want to see your face. I want to see that you understand. Now remember—count.”
Evelyn nods, a breath escaping her parted lips as I grip the folded belt, and then I step forward and bring the leather down against one side of her ass.
“One!” She cries out, her voice a high-pitched shriek. “Fuck, Dimitri, that hurts!”
“It’s supposed to,” I growl, sucking in a breath against the painful throb of my cock.God, I’ve never been so fucking hard in my life. “It’s a punishment, Evelyn. Now, the only thing I want to hear from you is that count. Nothing more.”
This is far from the first time I’ve ever spanked a woman, but it’s the first time I’ve done it for this reason. For a punishment—arealpunishment. I thought it wouldn’t be as arousing, thatI’d be focused on why I have Evelyn here, why this is happening, and nothing more. That my anger with her would override any desire that might come of it.
I was very, very wrong.
The sound of her voice gasping outtwoin a pained cry has me gritting my teeth against a moan, pre-cum leaking from my cock and soaking the fabric twisted around it as I bring the belt down for a third time. Evelyn’s fingers are gripping the edge of the desk tightly, her knuckles turning white, and as I shift to bring the next stroke down on the opposite side of her perfect, upturned ass, I catch a glimpse of her pussy between her thighs.
What little blood that hasn’t fled to my cock pounds in my ears, a pulse throbbing through my rock-hard shaft as I see her soft pink folds, tucked between the curve of her slender thighs. What’s worse is that I see a glisten there, a hint of arousal, and I feel my head spin at the thought that despite herself, this might be turning Evelyn on.
“Four!” she cries out as I bring the belt down again, and I wonder how I’m going to make it to fifteen. How I’m going to tear my eyes away from the soft flesh between her thighs, how I’m going to do anything other than think about how badly I want to drop to my knees behind her and bury my face there, slide my tongue inside her, find out how sweet she tastes before I fuck her hard. My cock is straining, so hard that I don’t know how I’m going to make it to the end of this, and I’ve never wanted anything as badly as I want Evelyn in this moment.
Five. Six. Seven.My pulse keeps time with every stroke of my belt across her creamy flesh, reddening her skin as she jolts and grips the desk, a whimper of pain slipping from her lips as she cries outeight. Almost halfway there, and I can feel sweat beading at the back of my neck. I’m no longer sure who is being punished here, because my arousal feels like torture, my need for her overwhelming.
I’ve never seen any woman look so beautiful while bent over a desk. Evelyn’s black hair is tousled, tangled around her face, her lips parted, slightly swollen from where she’s bitten them, her cheeks flushed. Her ass is streaked with red, and when I glance between her thighs again, I can see that her pussy is swollen, too, slick with her growing arousal.