Page 27 of The Butcher
That meant he was outside my apartment, at one of the cafés downstairs, or sitting in the back of his driver’s car. Just when I thought I had some space, I realized he’d been suffocating me this entire time.
He walked inside a moment later, wearing jeans and a sweater because a chill had swept across the city.
I was on the green couch, my knees to my chest, wearing leggings and a long-sleeved sweater, my loungewear. I wore no makeup because I didn’t have the energy to care about my appearance at the moment.
He sat in the armchair, arms on his thighs, looking at me with trepidation. “I can apologize to you again and again, however many times you need to hear it. It was a lapse in judgment, a momentary mistake, something I’ll regret forever. But we still love each other—and I think this marriage is worth fighting for.”
My stomach was clenched like a fist, the pain and the rage mixing into a bowl of acid.
“Could we just try?”
My eyes flicked to the window behind him.
“What constitutes trying?”
“Whatever you’re willing to do. You could move back in and have your own bedroom?—”
“I don’t want to go back there.”
“Then you can stay here, and we could do marriage counseling a couple times a week. Perhaps a professional will help us heal the wounds and help you trust me again.” He sat at the edge of hisseat, like he wanted to fling himself forward and grab me hard. His eyes flicked back and forth between mine as he waited for my answer.
I wouldn’t be this depressed if I didn’t care about Adrien. I would be able to get out of bed if I didn’t care. But I was defeated, and the time apart had only made me feel worse. Did that mean I was love-sick? But I also had a deeply passionate relationship with a man I hardly knew, so what did that mean? That I was delirious? That I was just seeking comfort anywhere I could? I didn’t have the answer to any of those questions. “Okay…”
He continued to stare at me, his expression slightly blank as if he didn’t realize what I’d said. “Okay? Did you just say okay?”
I nodded.
The biggest smile moved over his face, a glow in his eyes that was brighter than Christmas morning. “That—that makes me really happy. Thank you so much?—”
“This doesn’t mean we’re getting back together. It just means…I’m willing to start somewhere.”
Chapter 7
Since he’d paid me an unexpected visit at my home, I decided to do the same to him.
My driver pulled up to the gates, and I stepped out to speak with the guard. After a brief conversation, he let me pass into the courtyard. It was a nice building, the luxury understated and tasteful. It was an expensive piece of property, but it was nowhere near as expensive as mine.
I was even more impressed that Fleur had left it all behind to start over on her own.
Fuck, she was so hot.
There was a fountain in the center, potted plants and hydrangeas spread around. It looked like a spot for lunch, when the sun was directly overhead and the wind was blocked by three walls.
One of his staff approached me. “I’ll take you inside, sir.”
“He can meet me here. It’ll only take a moment.” I wouldn’t set foot into the house of my enemy. Not when I despised him so deeply.
The man gave a nod then stepped into the home.
I waited, the courtyard well lit despite the late hour. It was almost midnight, so the city was finally starting to doze off.
Adrien joined me minutes later, dressed in his lame blazer again. His eyes shifted back and forth as he looked at me, like I was there to kill him. “What’s the meaning of this?”
“Don’t worry, I’m not gonna kill you—at least not today.” I held up the envelope then threw it right at his face. “Tell her, or I will.”