Page 91 of The Boss
“You went through broken glass. I hardly think it’s a scrape.”
“You remember that?”
“I do.”
Since I’d awoken he’d been grumpier and he’d sighed more than he had before.
“You shouldn’t need to remember such things. I will do a better job protecting you.”
I inched closer to him, hanging my legs over the side of the bed. “You managed to keep me from getting shot while successfully landing a bullet-ridden plane. You ensured I didn’t drown and for kicks and giggles, you fought off two big sharks. I think that gives you a pass.”
Instantly, I could tell he didn’t understand the American colloquialism. “It means you did a great job and I’m extremely appreciative. No one has ever done anything like that for me before.”
I’ll be damned if he didn’t ignore my statement completely.
“It’s not a good idea for you to leave the hospital,” Dimitrios said in his quiet yet commanding voice as he walked closer.
“I think we’d both feel better if I was locked inside your house.”
He didn’t take the bait by responding. As he returned to the chair he’d been sitting in all night, I noticed how exhausted he seemed.
“You need to hear about something I remembered.”
“We can talk about it later,” he insisted.
“I think it’s important.”
He studied me for a few seconds before nodding. “Okay. What did you remember?”
“Something my father said after he’d tried to contact Shane. I was only half paying attention as we were all out by the pool.”
“Go on.”
“After the call ended, my dad said something to the effect of he would discover the truth. Later, he had his laptop out. It was the only time he’d pulled it out that I’d seen. When I’d walked in, he’d closed the lid. I thought about bugging him about what he was looking at, but decided not to. What do you think it means?”
“I honestly don’t know.”
“There’s one more thing. Dad mentioned wanting to see your dad while he was here.”
Dimitrios seemed even more interested. “Did he mention why?”
“No, but it sounded important.”
I could tell he was trying to pass it off to keep me from worrying. “We will likely never know why.”
Something in the back of my mind screamed that it had to do with Shane and whatever he was involved in. As he’d done so many times before, Dimitrios shut down the conversation.
“You’ll be safe at the house,” he assured me.
“I know. What’s in the bag?”
His chuckle held no real amusement as his voice had before. “I didn’t think you wanted to leave here in the clothes you were brought in.”
Especially since they’d been cut off my body. That much I did remember. “Do I want to know what you purchased?”
“They’ll have to do until Eleni gets back from shopping.”
“You sent her shopping for me?”