Page 59 of The Boss
Once inside, he squeezed by me, tossing one of the bags behind the rear seat, another in front.
“What now?”
He struggled with the stairs as I watched, hating myself for admiring his sculpted muscles. He was in a short-sleeved polo, but the material was clinging to his chest, accentuating those fabulous abdomen muscles of his. Once the door was closed, he pointed toward what had to be the tiniest cockpit I’d ever seen. Including in movies.
“You take the passenger seat.”
“You’re not going to sit with the pilot?”
“I am the pilot.”
I was more in shock than with almost anything else he’d said to me. “Um. No. Nope. I can’t do it.”
“Would you relax, little dove? I’ve been a pilot since I was eighteen. You’re in safe hands.” As if it was going to make me feel any better, he cupped my jaw, rubbing his big thumb back and forth across my lower lip.
The action forced a slight pulse in my pussy, my nipples aching from his rough handling. While I hated the way my mind worked, the images floating through them right now were tasty.
“Just trust me,” he said and pushed me gently toward the front.
“Said the spider to the fly.”
“I’m curious who you think the spider is.” He waited until I was settled in the seat, fastening my seatbelt for me.
I gripped the edge of it, as tense as I could be. He laughed the entire time he sat down, getting himself ready for the flight. Yes, I was fascinated by everything he was doing, checking the systems and talking with the tower about takeoff.
But the sickness in my stomach remained, butterflies turning into a swarm of bees. Was he really this talented in so many things?
“We’re ready, little dove. Just enjoy the flight.” He was so damn confident while I knew I was white as a ghost.
I heard the dull roar of the engine and squeaked a little, giving away my intense fear. After turning the plane around and slowly making his way toward a runway, he placed his hand on my knee.
“Breathe, darling. Just breathe.”
My scream for him to just breathe was right there on my tongue, but I resisted, closing my eyes instead. As the plane startedbuilding momentum, I heard one too many rattles and let off a real moan. That was before I felt the plane lifting off the tarmac. Then I squeezed his hand with so much force, I felt confident I’d end up breaking bones.
Panting, I doubled over as much as the seatbelt would allow, telling myself I would make it through this. It seemed as if all time had stopped, but he finally squeezed my fingers back.
“We’re in the air. Just look around. The flight won’t take long.”
I opened one eye, close to hyperventilating, but I finally managed to lift my head. While I didn’t toss my cookies, something I was extremely proud of, I was still close to panicking.
“You can release my hand now. I do like to keep both handy for the flight.” His voice was still filled with amusement.
I snapped my hand back like a hot potato. “You’re having fun with me. With this. Aren’t you?”
“Maybe. A little. Truly, don’t worry. I’ve been flying to and from the island for years. It’s a simple ride. A little over an hour.”
“This isn’t a ride. Unless it’s straight out of a haunted mansion.”
“Just look through that window. You can see spectacular views of Greece. Soon we’ll be over the water.”
Against my better judgment, I did as he asked, still shaking but happy I managed to do it. I had to admit the scenery was beautiful, the island appearing gorgeous even from our altitude. Although he was flying pretty low to the land below.
“Is this what they call tree-top flying?” I asked.
“Something like that.” His laugh was more natural than I’d heard. “But safe. A lot of planes going short distances fly this low.”