Page 55 of The Boss
It was funny how just being around her for this short a time period made me want to be a better man. Sadly, that wasn’t possible. I was set in my ways, far too old to change my stripes.
“Is there anything else inside this villa you want? If you do, the time is now. The owner will sweep it clean, taking it to a storage unit now that all the evidence has been collected.”
“What then?”
“I’m certain Gregory will arrive at some point to make certain all the items you don’t take with you return with their bodies.”
“The funeral. I won’t be there. Will I?”
It was yet another question I wasn’t prepared to answer, at least not definitively. “We’ll see.”
“Fine. That means no,” she snarked. “Can I at least take a few seconds to look around?”
I debated whether that was a good idea. “Yes, you can. Do not try and run again. I’m not risking your safety or mine because of some whim.”
“Whim?” she countered. “We learned he was in the country. Isn’t that valuable information?”
“Yes, it is.”
“I told you I have skills.” She jerked up and headed for the door, quietly glancing at my weapon.
“What other skills should I learn about?”
She stopped in the doorway, drumming her fingers on the wall. After barely tilting her head over her shoulder, I could still tell she was smiling slyly. “I told you I don’t like guns, which you always feel the need to carry.”
“Yes, you did.”
“I might not like them, but I certainly know how to use one.”
As she walked out, I shook my head and chuckled under my breath, slowly rising to my feet. She was a tough one, but how much of it was an act? What other surprises were in store for me? I returned my weapon to the holster, walking into the hallway. She’d already disappeared.
While Willow checked the various rooms for anything of importance to her, I dialed Atticus’ number.
“Let me guess, Shane was at the villa,” he said by way of answering.
“Yes, it appears he was unless he had someone stage his presence. Have you found anything out regarding Winslow and Dottie Winters?”
“Nothing that indicates a red flag. What are you looking for in particular?”
“Recent additions to bank accounts. Hidden assets. Sudden losses. Anything that seems out of the ordinary.”
Atticus could track down anything on anyone. “I’ll see what else can be found, but Winslow works for engineering firm, Dottie as a local school administrator. They have a joint bank account and a house with two mortgages.”
“That could indicate money troubles. Dig deep.”
“Will do.”
I pocketed my phone, checking the various rooms myself, finding nothing else I would consider damning evidence. There was no other sign of Shane, no card or note. I did find passports for both Willow and her parents. I pocketed Willow’s. You never knew when it would come in handy.
I found myself still meandering through the house, ending up in the room her parents had taken to sleep in. While forensics had likely dusted for fingerprints, checking for other evidence as well, nothing looked worse for wear. It was as if the couple had dressed that morning with no thought in mind something was wrong.
As soon as I walked into the closet and turned on the light, my eyes immediately scanned for hiding places. Closets were often used to hide items not meant for public viewing. I’d find no weapons of course, but if Winslow was involved in something more than his squeaky-clean business, he could have documentation.
I searched through the items, finding nothing of importance.
What I did find was an empty laptop case. Had the police taken the computer? It was worth checking. If they hadn’t, either Shane had walked out with it or another perpetrator had.
After backing out, I headed for the main living area only to notice Willow standing in the very place where her parents had been murdered.