Page 31 of The Boss
I took a deep breath before answering. “Perhaps. Or maybe the MO was purposely changed.”
“Or his parents were killed to lure him out,” Christos suggested.
“Yes. Which is exactly what we need to do at this point.” I’d already determined that before, but with no hard evidence, no threats to the family, I was beginning to wonder if Leandro hadn’t been the target.
“You’re using Willow as bait. Aren’t you?” Havros had a smile on his face.
The reality of what I was doing was a low blow, not only for Willow but also for the Nomikos reputation. However, at this point there were few options. “As I told her, I’ll do what’s necessary to keep the family safe, the business protected.”
“What now?”
I took a long look at Christos. It was obvious he’d had less sleep than I had. “Arrange to have her clothes brought to the house. Place additional men on the clubs, including those enjoying the sights and sounds of our guests. It started with Sin and Shame so I have a feeling there will be more violence in one of them.”
Havros nodded. “I’ll task Nico to arrange for the men to work overtime.”
“What about doing a more extensive background check on Winslow and Dottie Winters?” Christos asked, his grin returning.
“Good idea. Go for it.” My brother had a flair for handling our connections. Why not task him to have several lengthy discussions?
“Will do.”
“Leandro’s murder must be solved. We cannot afford to lose any additional people.” The ache from the loss was even more pronounced than before. “And brothers. Make certain everyone knows I’m not a man to be fucked with.”
There was nothing else to say to either one of them. After they left, I knew another phone call had to be made.
Lying to him had always been difficult, which was why we’d steered clear of having any discussions about my family. He didn’t need to be burdened with information that could be used against him. There was always the possibility an enemy could use him as a way of getting to me. That much he’d been told. That had allowed him a chance to tell me to fuck off.
No more friendship.
But he’d stuck with me, enjoying the man beneath the persona. How many years had we been friends? The fact he’d brought his entire family to meet mine had meant so much. I’d allowed my guard to fall. So had my parents and brothers. We’d all been one big happy family.
Now this.
Other than talking with my parents about Leandro, this was perhaps the most difficult phone call I would need to make. There were no words to ease the pain. I knew that far too well. I took long strides toward the bar, my rage spiking unexpectedly. Why did either one of our families have to go through something so tragic?
I poured way too much gin, barely adding any tonic. As I took a swig, I was grateful for the smooth, rich flavor, but I knew far too well there’d be no insight or courage gained.
Or peace.
Nothing would provide that.
I allowed myself to think about Willow, my concern running deep. She’d gone through so much I sensed her emotions were fragile, but she was a survivor as well. That was easy to see. Sadly, my thoughts weren’t as professional as they should be. Nor were they acceptable. However, my lurid wants and needs wouldn’t be denied.
My mind drifted to the filthy things I wanted to do to her.
Running my hands over her lithe body as I ripped off her clothes.
Kissing her soft lips before thrusting my tongue into her mouth.
Tasting every inch of her.
Pressing my cock between her long legs seconds before she wrapped them around my hips.
And fucking her for hours on end, taking her several times.