Page 125 of The Boss
She blushed, trying to hide her emotions behind her glass. I’d made an earlier decision that I knew now was the right one. Perhaps the best decision I’d made in my entire life.
“Yes, I love you, Dimitrios. I meant what I said before. There will be people who’ll say I couldn’t because we’ve only just met or that I should be worried about you lying to me or using me. But I don’t care. I love you.”
My brothers would like to tear me apart for what I was about to do given the timing, but I refused to allow her to think for another minute I didn’t want her in my life. I placed my wine on the table, easing down onto one knee in front of her.
“What the hell are you doing?” she asked in the same rebellious way she’d done with so many other questions.
I slipped my hand into my pocket, pulling out a velvet box.
She gasped, shocking me with the tears forming in her eyes.
“Willow, the moment you came crashing into my world less than two weeks ago, I was reminded of a time in my life whereevery moment seemed filled with joy. I hadn’t realized until you returned how much I’d missed your bright eyes and that smile, that killer smile. Only you were different, a beautiful and intelligent woman who didn’t care about my status or wealth. You weren’t impressed with the world I live in and didn’t hold back for a second to tell me when I was wrong. Which, by the way, was often.”
Laughing, she pressed her hand in front of her mouth. Her entire body was quivering.
“You stood by my side and although we’d made a sinful deal, you were right there to comfort me in my loss when you’d suffered so much. I can’t imagine my life without you. No, I won’t allow my life not to have you in it. If that’s the case, there is no joy left in the world. I love you. Willow Elizabeth Winters, will you marry me? This time for all the right reasons.”
She opened her eyes wide and for a moment, I was certain she planned on telling me over her dead body. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”
I was yet to get the ring on her shaking finger before we both heard howls from the kitchen. She was the first of us to throw them a nasty look. With the ring on her finger, I pulled her into my arms. This time capturing her mouth was the sweetest thing in the world.
“Guys. We’re about to have company.”
Nico’s voice came from behind us.
Damn it. The timing sucked.
I pulled away, taking a second to slide hair from her face. “Back to business. But I promise you we’ll get back to what we started.”
She backed away from me, giving me one of her tough looks. “You better. Just remember I also have a temper.”
I laughed, enjoying the way she was wiggling the huge rock on her finger. Surrounded by rubies, it would go well with the necklace her brother had given her. The one she had on tonight.
“You ready?” I asked as I brought my wineglass to my hand again.
“As my mother liked to say: Ready, Freddy.”
“You Americans amuse me.”
The fact she could laugh while potentially in the face of danger would remain as one of the most incredible things about her.
The music was soft, but enough to create a lovely atmosphere.
“Where would you like to get married?” I placed my phone on the table. Any new information about Luca’s whereabouts would come from a text.
“Corfu. I love that place. It’s perfect. You can fly all your guests in your new private plane.” She winked. I’d yet to even think about purchasing another one.
“Only if you agree to being a stewardess on every flight.”
“Darling, they’re now called flight attendants. What century are you from?”
“You do remember I owe you a savage spanking. Yes?” I asked her.
“Oh, hockey pucks. I was hoping you’d forget that.”
“I never forget anything. That’s something you need to remember.” I took a sip of wine, watching the way she wrinkled her nose. She had no idea how adorable she truly was.
My men made it clear the man was headed in our direction. While there were other businesses within walking distance, since most were either being staffed by my men or already closed for the night, the darkness would provide the cloaking the man needed to slip in through the back.