Page 113 of The Boss
“I can tell in your eyes you’re up to something.” Eros pointed his finger at me.
“Nothing I can’t handle.”
A flash caught my attention from the right, an area leading to the street parking that had been established. Unfortunately, with the large crowd, it was impossible to determine what I was looking at.
Yet a strange set of sensations swept through my muscles, the tension increasing tenfold. “Willow, move behind the tree.” I kept my voice even, but she immediately realized something was terribly wrong.
“What is it?”
Eros turned around to face the direction I was looking in. “You’re thinking we have company.”
“Yes, I am.” Another flash and I knew what to expect.
Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!
The series of gunshots came from a single direction. The crowd scattered, several people yelling from fear and confusion. When a single bullet slammed into the tree I’d mentioned to my brideto be, I reacted instantly, pushing her to the ground to safety and jerking my weapon free.
“Get down, Eros.” He never carried a weapon and when he wasn’t quick to respond, I yanked him down beside us.
The shooting continued, several of my soldiers getting off shots of their own.
Havros was protecting my mother and father, guiding them to safety as Christos rushed into the fray, trying his best to move the crowd out of harm’s way.
Everything happened fast, additional gunshots fired.
“Stay here, both of you,” I commanded, taking a quick glance from Willow’s pained eyes to Eros.
“I’ll keep her safe,” he yelled. “Go. Go!”
I took off running, heading to the right as an unknown vehicle tried to speed off. With both hands on the barrel, I got off several rounds. Christos joined me, both firing indiscriminately.
Until the car sped away.
“We’re damn lucky no one was killed,” Havros stated under his breath.
“The fuckers got away, but I shot one of the bastards,” Christos chimed in. He’d been pacing the floor of my office where we’d retreated to for ten minutes. We couldn’t waste but so much time given the event was supposed to be a celebration of life.
And because of what we were prepared to embark on.
“Aren’t you worried this shit is going to backfire?” Havros pushed.
“No. The fact the Stalker took such a risk means we have him worried that we’re closing in.” I only half believed that. I was still concerned we were being duped in some way. Thankfully, the family had been well protected, our soldiers doing their jobs as they’d been taught. With only minor injuries to a couple of guests, I was led to believe the family was their main target. Or perhaps just the man known as the Boss.
Christos took a gulp of his drink. “Dimitrios is right. We’re too far along and flushing the Stalker out seems like something that can occur.”
“At least the fucker is in town. If Shane is behind this, he’s worried about his sister. That will work in our favor.”
“What if he doesn’t give a shit about her?” Christos threw in.
I took a deep breath. From the memories I had of the young man, even though I hadn’t been impressed or even liked him before, I didn’t believe he’d purposely eliminate his sister. I prayed to God my thinking wasn’t a fool’s belief. “He won’t.”
“I hope you’re right.” Havros patted me on the arm.
“Didn’t either one of you find it interesting that the Armenian left just minutes prior to when the shooting began?” I looked from one to the other.
“True. There is no such thing as a coincidence in our world.” Christos lifted his glass. “I did find something out about his father as you asked.”
“What’s that?”