Page 102 of The Boss
I tossed the pad, disgusted with myself. Even if I found my personal Romeo, my bet was the relationship wouldn’t last.
None of them did these days, my parents aside of course. Their marriage had been a fairytale. But hell, their lives had been cut short by greed and power.
Everything seemed to repulse me at this point. Yes, I knew I was distraught and had every right to be. How many people could say they’d lived through a plane crash and a shark attack in one day and survived? I bet the odds weren’t good.
It felt like I was mourning a relationship that was a done deal, signed and delivered in blood. I’d had bad luck with guys my entire life. The two blind dates my best friend had hooked me upwith had shown potential. But one guy ghosted me after our first date, even going to the lengths of changing his phone number.
The other had ‘forgotten’ to tell me he was married. He’d been shocked more than I’d been when his wife had shown up on our third date. I wasn’t going to even think about the two guys I’d ended up sleeping with. That’s all I’d really call the encounters since one had fallen asleep immediately after unloading on my stomach. The other had thrust his cock inside and that was it.
No kisses.
No romance.
No pillow talk.
And definitely no talk of another encounter. I’d squashed that.
I had to face facts. Dimitrios was everything I wanted, but nothing that would last for the long term. Oh, well. Pity me.
The thoughts racing through my head were ridiculous, but better than constantly being anxious.
Or terrified.
I suddenly couldn’t stay in the stuffy room any longer. Maybe fresh air would cure me. If that was possible. I grabbed my tennis shoes, shoving my feet into them, not bothering to tie the laces. If I tripped going down the stairs, so what?
I’d learned several things about the house, including discovering the back stairs leading to an entertainment mecca. There were two kitchens, not just one, a butler’s pantry, and a huge mudroom, although I doubted that they called the location where the two washers and dryers were positioned that in Greece.
There was also a side door leading to an herb garden and the world beyond. I made my way down the stairs, the noise coming from the preparation area indicating the chef’s staff was preparing for tomorrow’s funeral. Dimitrios had explained there was always a celebration of life after the sadder events and that included lots of food.
My mouth watered from the scent of fresh baked bread and sugar cookies. Hunger got the better of me and I peeked inside the kitchen, noticing a tray of cookies fresh from the oven. No one was paying attention as I snuck in, grabbing just one. It was still steaming, the aroma tickling my nostrils.
How many times had I done this when I’d visited as a kid? There’d always been fresh baked goods in the house. The only difference was that Mrs. Nomikos had insisted on making everything herself. As I headed for the door, I caught a glimpse of her in the corner. My smile was natural. She’d always made me happy, fawning over both Shane and me like we were part of her family. While she’d aged significantly, she still exuded vibrance. This time, she was directing the chef, her hands as animated as her face.
I slipped past the room before I was noticed, trying to remain quiet as I opened the door.
The scents of the various herbs were almost overpowering. The garden itself was as beautiful as everything inside and out. Stooping down, I picked a stem of basil, inhaling before placing the greenery in my mouth.
Just like I’d done as a child.
The taste had always enthralled me. Plus, the simple act brought back fond memories. I needed those desperately right now. Itwas a connection to a time of life where everything had seemed perfect. At least to a young girl. Would it ever be perfect again?
I headed out the side gate, still munching on a combination of the basil and the warm cookie. A hint of sadness lingered just under the surface. I knew I had to be careful, but the warm fresh air was inviting. Time outside was better than the doctor’s orders. If only I could take a walk in my bare feet on the beach.
Maybe there was a secret way of getting there I hadn’t found when I’d attempted to make my great escape. I almost choked on the last of the cookie. I wasn’t certain I’d make a good criminal. I didn’t have the killer instincts.
My mind was obviously under pressure. I couldn’t believe I’d just thought that.
I headed to the right of the flower garden, occasionally glancing over my shoulder. The foliage was thicker, trees planted close together. They were mostly tropical varieties, some with prickly thorns. I made my way through the sea of green, orange, and yellow, noticing something that looked awfully close to a pathway that now sported ground cover across a good portion.
Taking careful steps, I followed it. About a hundred steps in, the foliage appeared less dense. Finally, I moved into a clearing. The same stone wall appeared on both sides as far as I could see, but I noticed something darker just up to my right. I headed toward the area, amazed how green the grass was. It was also well maintained, the pristine cuts done by a talented landscaper.
I was only a few feet away before I realized what I was looking at.
A gate.
An ornate iron gate. With a huge padlock on it. People had once been allowed to venture outside the gated estate. I walked toward it, peering through the bars. They’d been designed so that climbing over the structure would be next to impossible. While I felt even more like a canary in a gilded cage, I was able to see the ocean over the cliffs. The scent was the same as in Corfu and it just seemed so sad that no one used this any longer.