Page 10 of The Boss
With the call ended, I moved toward the boxing bag, throwing several brutal punches. I backed off, so enraged I could barely contain my need for violence. Lowering my head, I provided several additional savage punches until I no longer had feeling in my hands.
A strangled laugh left my lips as I flexed them. My knuckles would bruise. What the hell did I care?
Boxing wasn’t helping, my mind too preoccupied. I moved to my desk, sitting down slowly. My memories of the man I knew as Shane were from what seemed like a lifetime before. The first time I’d met him, he’d been a teenager, a gangly kid with a mouth full of braces. The second and final time had been during his parents’ visit to Greece where I’d enjoyed spending time with my best friend and his family. Gregory’s brother meant the world to him since their parents were both deceased.
Winslow and Dottie Winters were good people living in the heart of Boston.
Their only son had flown in to see them for a couple of days, in from Brussels where he’d been serving as an intern for the American Embassy there. Diplomatic work ran in the family.
I’d spent maybe ten minutes with him, his arrogance irritating the hell out of me. Yet as he was my best friend’s nephew, I’d kept my mouth shut.
Was it possible Eros’ discovery was one and the same person?
I drummed my fingers on the desk’s surface and stared off into space, finally remembering the single photograph I’d taken during their last visit well over a decade before. While I wasn’t typically a man known for reminiscing, the times spent had been favorite occasions from my mother and father, which was why I may have kept the picture. I searched my computer files, finally locating it a few minutes later.
What I noticed first was the smugness on Shane’s face. As if he thought himself better than all of us. Yet they were a lovely family, including a little girl I’d grown fond of during their visits. I sat back in my seat, realizing I needed to learn Shane’s whereabouts.
There was only one way of doing that.
However, extreme caution would need to be used. Alarming my friend would do me no good if he turned around and issued a warning to Shane. After all, blood was thicker than water no matter the circumstances.
I was surprised Gregory answered on the second ring. “You can’t get enough of me, buddy? Or just excited I might be returning to Greece to catch up on old times.”
Snickering, I continued drumming my fingers on my desk. “Maybe a little of both. Your call had me reminiscing.”
He laughed. “You? Shocking. We had some good times.”
“That we did. I ran into a picture I took of your brother, Winslow. Remember after the yachting adventure?”
“God, I remember that day. Windy as hell and we ended up drinking way too much. How the hell did we get back to your house safely?”
“My driver.”
“Oh, yeah, you kids born with silver spoons in your mouths. Even Winslow talks about that night occasionally.”
“What’s he up to these days?”
“Currently on vacation for a couple weeks. His daughter finished her master’s program and the whole family is celebrating. Come to think of it, I think they went back to Athens.”
My laugh was more contrived. “You didn’t make plans to see them?”
“With the shit I’m going through?” Gregory asked, his laugh not nearly as plastic as mine. “Not a chance. I heard they were having a great time. Rented some Stone Villa. Place has nine bedrooms and a private pool. I asked him to start bankrolling me.”
“Stone Villa? I think I know the place. Very nice.”
“You should drop by and see them if you get the chance. Hey, sorry to do this to you but I need to run.”
“No problem. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.”
Gregory exhaled. “We need to do more of it. I feel old.”
“You and me both, buddy.” As the call ended, I immediately got up from my desk, heading out of my office to where Nico remained outside watching the perimeter. I’d placed the family on higher alert. Better safe than sorry.
“Boss?” he asked.
“I need you to do me a favor. There’s a rental house known as the Stone Villa. Find out if Winslow Winters rented the place. In addition, find out if Shane Winters flew in from any city.”
“Like in the world?”