Page 85 of Lahaina Noon
“Drake? Vaughn, what happened?” His face looked much younger as fear traced across his features. He held out his hand and felt his sister take it, her grip hard and clammy.
“Vaughn?” The normally prickly woman whimpered as she looked at her brother for reassurance.
“I’m so sorry Liam, Siobhan. Brady and Joanna were with Eric, shoring up the warding at Cloud Warrior. They were ambushed, and, well, Eric was the only survivor. I’mso sorry.”
Liam broke the stunned silence that followed, roaring loudly, his voice full of pain. As the others looked on, he and Siobhan dropped to the floor, holding each other, openly sobbing.
Bridget walked over to Siobhan and Liam. There were waves of green radiating around them, their grief visible to all. She looked back and saw the rest of the family following her to surround the siblings in love and comfort.
Liam gave Bridget a pain-filled stare, at a loss for what to do. He clearly wanted to put on a brave face to support his sister, but he didn’t know how. Bridget had been that person for Gabe when Brian had died. Now, she could be there for Liam and Siobhan. She hoped anyway.
She settled a hand on Siobhan’s shoulder and whispered, “I’m so incredibly sorry. Your parents were very brave. I know it doesn’t seem like it now, but we will get through this. All of us, together.”
Siobhan was full of rage and needed someone to explode at. “Yeah, you’re so sorry, aren’t you? We lost our parents.Our parents!” she yelled. “Our parents are dead. Do you understand that? Dead because of you!” She stood nose to nose with Bridget, her chest heaving, her fists clenched.
Bridget nodded slowly. “I do understand, Siobhan. I appreciate their sacrifice. I know what it’s like to lose someone you love that much. My husband was killed by the shadows eight years ago, and there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about him and feel his loss. My parents died when I was young, too. Gabe and Jack are the only family I have left. I just want you to know that your other family is here for you when you need us.” She stepped back then and turned to Liam.
He came to her and hugged her tightly, burying his face in her hair, sobbing.
She could hear Siobhan’s rapid breathing behind her. Suddenly, Liam’s arms were ripped away, and she was shoved back.
“Don’t touch her!” Siobhan screamed at Liam.
He looked shocked. “Shi,” he said tenderly.
“No!” she shouted, whirling on Bridget again. “She’s the reason Mom and Dad are dead. Oh, she talks a big game; she lost her husband. I bet she doesn’t think about him at all when she’s fucking Drake. They’re after her. It’s her fault!” Siobhan was gathering herself to leap at Bridget when a deafening roar shook the room, followed by a burst of flame that narrowly missed her face.
“Enough!” Vaughn bellowed, standing next to Bridget, flames in his eyes. He looked terrifying. “Do not speak to my mate like that,” he ordered in a ringing voice.
The girl jerked back like she’d been shot, then shuddered. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Bridget, I know you didn’t kill my parents. I know it wasn’t your fault. I’m just so angry and I took it out on you when you were just trying to help. Please forgive me,” she sobbed, covering her face.
Bridget smiled softly. “Honey, all is forgiven. I know that anger, come here.”
Siobhan nodded and wrapped her arms tightly around Bridget before they sank to the floor.
Liam sat down and added himself to the hug, needing comfort, too.
Gabe, who had been sitting quietly throughout the situation, crawled under his mother’s arms and hugged his friends, whisperinghis understanding to them as well. Soon everyone had joined them on the floor, and the group comforted the siblings late into the night.
Chapter 45
Bridget stretched in herseat; she was glad she wasn’t on a commercial flight like most of those going to Hawaii. There were just too many of them to all fit on the private plane. She’d met so many people lately, she didn’t want to be cramped in with any more of them than necessary.
Shortly into the flight, Bridget caught Vaughn studying her face. She guessed he was wondering yet again if they were doing the right thing. She smiled to reassure him there wouldn’t be any changing her mind.
She closed the book she’d been reading and took his hand. “You know, Jack and Jorrie are fighting over which of them gets to be my maid of honor.”
He laughed, “If you chose Jack, would he wear a dress?”
She snorted, “No, Jack wouldn’t wear a dress, he can’t walk in heels and wouldn’t be caught dead in flats. But, have you thought about who your best man will be? Liam or Killian?”
He shook his head, “No, I already have someone in mind. When we get back, and I show him his mother is fine, I’ll ask him.”
She sucked in a breath, and her eyes were damp. “Gabe?” she whispered.
He nodded, “I want him to know without a doubt that he’s part of the benefits of being your husband.”
She smiled, “Maybe Jack can be the flower girl.”