Page 73 of Lahaina Noon
His hands went all over her, understanding she needed it hard and rough.
She came up for air gasping and he took the opportunity to latch on to her breasts, suckling and biting, almost to the point of pain. She arched her back and moaned, letting his fire consume her.
He reached between her thighs and found her wet and ready. With a growl, he positioned her over his length and drove himself into her.
She cried out then sank down further, feeling like she couldn’t get enough. “I need. I need,” she panted.
“What do you need? What do want?”
“I need you to take me as hard as you can!” She watched the flames come to his eyes, and a wicked grin crossed his face right before his wings flapped hard.
Bridget lay on the floor, breathing heavily. She was sure Vaughn had taken her against every surface in the room. It looked like it had been ransacked. She huffed out a laugh. She had to hand it to him. Vaughn was very creative in ways to give her orgasms. Knowing she needed it, he’d worked to get as many out of her as he could before he finally had his own release. Brushing her hair out of her face she looked around for her dragon.
He was standing by the dresser, drinking an entire bottle of water in one long pull. Hard sex was thirsty work, apparently. He sauntered over, picked her up, and dropped her on the bed.
She laughed as he handed her a bottle, too. She propped up enough to drink some of it, then flopped back down. She stretched, feeling deliciously used. “Mm. Thank you, Vaughn. You are definitely a man who knows how to give a woman what she wants.”
“Is that so?” she heard him murmur.
She sighed, a satisfied, happy noise. She heard him rummaging around and wondered idly what he was doing but decided it was too much effort to sit up and look.
“Excuse me, ma’am.” she heard a sultry voice.
She lifted her head and saw Vaughn standing in front of her. He was naked except for a loose tie and his glasses. She hadn’t realized he brought them! Her body went tight again at the sight. “Mr. Hotness!” she exclaimed.
He grinned. “Yes, ma’am. I understand you are my new coworker?”
She grinned back, deciding to play along. “I certainly am. How can I help you?”
He tapped the glasses down his nose a bit and looked at her over the frames.
Whoa,she thought. She almost orgasmed right then.
“Well, I’d like to have a meeting and have you take some… perhaps some dictation...” He rumbled in his chest.
Yep, she was definitely about to have one. “I’m happy to help then. When would you like me to start?”
He held out his hands for hers, and she gave them to him. Faster than she would have believed, he whipped off his tie and bound her wrists. He flipped her over and pulled her to her knees, then spanked her.
She looked at him over her shoulder, shocked.
He winked, “You’re not the only one with fantasies.”
Chapter 40
Two weeks later, theywere all gathered for dinner, with everyone packed into a banquet hall at a local restaurant. Vaughn believed the Council space still wasn’t safe, and he refused to enter. Word was sent, summoning dragons and wielders to join the cause. In addition to the group they’d brought with them, they were joined by Bunny’s parents, Circe, Wu, Hilde, and many other dragons and wielders Bridget hadn’t met yet.
Others went ahead to the US to rendezvous with the team in Dallas. They were waiting for their food to be served before they began full-scale conversations, so the staff didn’t overhear too much.
Jorrie had stepped out to use the lady’s room and had been gone for some time. Bridget was just starting to get concerned when she came back. Jorrie looked thoughtful when she walked in but quickly put on a smile and skipped to her chair next to Bridget.
“What’s up?” Bridget asked her friend.
Jorrie smiled, “Nothing, just trying to remember if I asked that cute waiter for red or white wine.”
Bridget looked at her, not quite believing her but too distracted to dig into it. She shifted in her chair again. She was a little sore from her time in the bedroom earlier that day. The man was gifted, for sure.Sex God,she sent him and smirked when she heard him cough into his glass behind her.
Behave, young lady, or I’ll have to spank you again,he rumbled back to her.