Page 63 of Lahaina Noon
“I am honored standing before you now, as a man, to show you my own form.” Vaughn walked to the middle of the circle of the dragons. The others all lay down on the ground while Ivan stood tall.
As they watched, Bridget remembered that Ivan had never seen his son’s dragon form. That’s why Vaughn wanted to go last. He had something to prove to his father.I love you,she sent.
He turned and placed his hand over his heart, nodding. Then he was gone as the shimmer burst out, and an enormous black and gold dragon stood in the middle of the circle.
Bridget stared at her mate; he was so beautiful it was hard to tear her gaze away. The others seemed to be just as mesmerized, murmuring in awe. She finally turned to Ivan. The red dragon was standing still. Bridget realized then that Vaughn wasn’t just big. He was the largest of them all. He towered over the others. His wings were twice that of theother dragons. His black scales gleamed, the gold in his wings winking in the light. He radiated strength and power.
Bridget smiled as her family’s murmurs grew louder. The other dragons were amazing, stunning even. Vaughn was magnificent and twice as fierce. That was her mate, and she was proud.
Ivan circled his son, looking him over until he made it back to his original spot. He stood there for a moment, then rumbling, gave a deep bow. It seemed Ivan approved.
Vaughn’s triumphant roar split the night, making everyone jump in fright. Cars nearby began to chirp as their alarms were set off. They heard shouts and screams, then lights began to go on all around them.
Chapter 35
Liam jumped to hisfeet, and using his teeth, grabbed the back of Siobhan’s shirt and threw her on his back. She landed as if they had practiced this maneuver before, which they likely had, and faced the town. She waved her hands in a complicated series of gestures and then threw them up like a barrier.
Alarms shut off, and fog rolled between the town and the lookout point where they were standing.
“Everyone, behind us,” she called. They all hurried behind the green dragon.
Bridget realized Siobhan and Liam were using their warding magic to shield them from view. They needed to get going before anyone wandered down to investigate. With any luck, the people in the homes nearby would think it was an earthquake or something.
Vaughn rumbled at the other dragons; Liam gave him a low growl. Vaughn chuffed in reply.
Bridget laughed. Vaughn had apologized, but Liam was still pissed and chastisinghim.
The plan was for Gabe and Bridget to ride on Drake, Siobhan would go with Liam, Davis had volunteered to carry Jack, and Shepard would take Jorrie. Liam kept eyeing Shepard as he assisted Jorrie to mount his back. Bridget saw a puff of smoke from Liam’s nostrils as Shepard licked Jorrie’s leg playfully and she squealed. Siobhan kicked her brother, saying unflattering things about his tail; he growled at her and nipped at her leg.
Siblings, Bridget repeated Vaughn’s earlier words back to him. They shared a quiet laugh together.
Ivan would be riderless, so he was going to carry all the gear and packs. An easy task but a way for him to help.
Drake was so large he could easily accommodate the extra weight of Gabe. Since the boy was also his mate’s son, he didn’t mind at all. In fact, when this was over, he was going to take the boy flying without his mother. They just maybe wouldn’t tell her.
Once everyone was situated, Drake took the lead, running down the pier and launching into the air. Bridget laughed as Gabe whooped in joy.
Liam followed next and glided up behind them. He was so excited to be flying again that he barrel-rolled, almost throwing Siobhan into the ocean below. When they were upright again, Bridget could hear her cursing a blue streak and threatening parts of Liam’s anatomy. That girl had a mouth on her that put Bridget’s to shame.
Davis joined them, moving to the left of Drake as Liam flew to the right. Jack looked like he had a death grip on one of Davis’ spikes, but the grin on his face made Bridget smile.
She heard a quick scream followed by a shout of joy and knew Shepard had taken off. Jorrie was now beside her. She turned her head and saw her friend’s curls flying crazily in the wind.
Ivan soon followed, bringing up the rear to guard from any threats that might come from behind. The island wasn’t visible yet, but they would be there soon enough. Now, the concern was where to land this many large creatures?
They’d been flying for a while when Bridget noticed Gabe shiver. The night air was cool, and as high as they were, there was little warmth to be had. Bridget thought,Drake, do you mind,and she felt him rumble in agreement. Soon, he was radiating heat up to them, and they were toasty again.
“Wicked,” she heard Gabe say.
Drake must have passed the message on to the other dragons because she soon heard Jorrie thanking Shepard and Jack saying something indecent to Davis. She was glad she hadn’t heard the rest over the wind.
She had a feeling Jack was going to get over Darren with help from a certain blue dragon. Those two had been circling each other from the minute they met, like cats in heat. She was happy for him. He needed someone that truly cared about him, someone that understood this world.
To her right, Siobhan was carrying on a conversation with Liam. On her left, Jorrie was talking softly to Shepard, and he was chuffing in response. Gabe had fallen silent after a while, and she realized he had dozed off. That kid could seriously sleep anywhere.
They drew close to the island, and Bridget could just make out its dark shape on the horizon in the weak moonlight. She was relieved asflying over the water in the dark made her nervous. Suddenly, she heard the dragons making noises at each other and some low growling. What was going on?
We’ve got company,Drake told her.Tell the others to sit low. Ivan’s going to check it out.