Page 22 of Lahaina Noon
Liam took off like a cat with its tail under a rocking chair, cackling the whole way.
She eyed Vaughn suspiciously as he was obviously trying not to laugh. “Never,” she said, as she got up and stalked to the bathroom. “Never,” she said again and slammed the door.
When Bridget came out of the bathroom, Vaughn was sitting in the chair she’d spotted the night before in the corner by the bookcases. Hewas slouched down, looking very relaxed, with his long legs crossed casually at the ankles.
Her gaze trailed up those legs that she had reason to know were very well-muscled, continuing up to his stomach and chest where she noted he had now buttoned his shirt.Dang,she bemoaned the view that was no longer available. She looked at his face and saw he was watching her with a sultry look.
“Soo…” she started and pulled at the hem of his t-shirt as it skimmed her thighs.
“So,” he repeated quietly.
“Well, this is nice and awkward. Um, I guess I need to get dressed. I’m not quite sure where you threw my bra and my panties,” she trailed off, blushing.
Vaughn slowly lifted his frame from the chair. “Ah yes, those.” He pulled the remnants of the panties out of his jeans pocket, “Those met with a rather, tragic end.” He smiled sweetly at her as he put them back in his pocket.
Bridget’s neck joined forces with the heat in her face. “Okay, stop that!” she chided, “You can’t go around destroying my underwear. What am I supposed to wear home?”
He tossed his head lazily towards the bed, where she saw her overnight bag sitting on the end.
She turned and looked back at him, one eyebrow raised in query.
“Jorrie apparently anticipated your needs and sent that back with Liam this morning. She gave him instructions to give it to you with the following phrase: ‘You go, girl, and now we are even for Cabo, 2000’. A phrase I’m sure has meaning to you, but I am certainly intrigued.What happened in Cabo in 2000, my sweet little Bridget.” He stalked over to her, grinning ear to ear.
“Not anything I’m willing to share with you just yet.” She snatched the bag and walked back to the bathroom. Deciding to get a little revenge on him, she looked over her shoulder and said, “But it involved a wet t-shirt contest and alotof baby oil.” She smiled in victory at the look on his face before the door closed.Yeeesss! Booty dance!She thought before doing a silly little wiggle she and Jorrie had made up that Spring Break.
Bridget set the bag on the counter then opened it to see what Jorrie had sent. She prayed it was practical and not Jorrie’s wicked sense of humor packing her things.
She was relieved to see shorts near the top, along with her favorite tennis shoes peeking out from underneath. Jorrie had come through; she really was an awesome friend! Bridget sent her a silent thanks into the universe, resolving to treat her friend to a girl’s weekend soon. She saw a piece of paper folded up under the handle of her toiletries bag and shook her head. She wasn’t sure what type of message awaited her but decided to just go ahead and get it over with. She pulled out the single sheet of notepaper she recognized as her own favorite stationery, with little black cats prancing across the top of the page. In Jorrie’s flowery, hand she read:
‘Bridge, I packed your sensible things so you wouldn’t have to do the walk of shame in last night’s outfit, just like when you helped me out in Cabo. You are the best friend I’ve ever had, and I’m going to give you some advice because I love you. Stop worrying that you aren’t good enough or you don’t deserve this. Get out of your head. This manobviously wants you for you. Take advantage of it, you’ve mourned long enough. Live a little. And tell me all about it tonight. I really hope you climbed that man like a tree, if not, I don’t know if I can look you in the face ever again. Love you bunches, kiss kiss, hug hug and all that.– J’
Bridget sat on the edge of the huge spa tub and stared at the note, tears welling in her eyes. Jorrie knew her all too well. She did tend to second guess herself and put off her own well-being. She hadn’t dated much and certainly had not been intimate with anyone since Brian had died. Becoming a widow so young had not factored into her life plan, and she’d had to scramble to rearrange things so Gabriel never lacked or wanted for anything. He’d become her whole world for a long time as she focused on that and that alone. She wiped away a few tears and folded the note again, holding it up to her heart. Jorrie was right, it was time for her to live.
Bridget wandered into the kitchen and found Liam and Vaughn sitting at a table, looking at some files scattered between them.
Liam saw her and jumped to his feet, pulling out a chair and ushering her to the table. Once seated, he grabbed a plate for her full of delicious smelling breakfast foods. It was all warm and fragrant, and she realized she was starving.
She waited for Liam to set down plates for Vaughn and himself before tucking into the most perfectly cooked eggs she’d ever had. She noted Vaughn watching her with amusement, a piece of bacon held lazily between his fingers and sparkle in his eye.
Liam was putting what smelled like fresh apple butter on a super fluffy, steaming biscuit with his elbows on some of the files they had been reviewing.
“Oh!” she said suddenly, “I must be keeping you from your work!” She was embarrassed at how quickly she had forgotten such responsibilities.
Vaughn smiled kindly and Liam grinned around his mouthful of biscuit. “It’s quite alright, my dear. One of the perks of being the boss.”
“Oh, right,” she said, “Well, if Liam wouldn’t mind terribly running me home after we eat, I’ll get out of your hair so you can get back to it.”
Vaughn stared at her for so long she thought maybe she had something on her face. She reached up to wipe her mouth with the napkin, trying to discreetly feel for any errant crumbs that may have stuck there.
He leaned towards her. “I’d hoped I could get you to join me at my office today. I mentioned to you yesterday I had a business proposition for you, but with all our,” he paused and grinned wickedly, “Activities last night, we never got around to discussing it.”
Liam snorted and said, “Activities,” under his breath.
She shot him a look that he returned with an innocent smile. She gave up and laughed, “Okay, Liam, you win. But Vaughn, I’m not dressed to go into your office. Do we have time to drop by my house so I can change into something more professional than shorts and t-shirt?” she implored.
He waved his hand and shook his head, “Not necessary. We aren’t going to Chesapeake. We’re going to my other company, the gaming business that Gabriel is so excited to see. That office has a much more relaxed dress code. The programmers thrive better in a casual environment. I find their creativity improves when they roam free. So, you’re dressed perfectly.”
Liam didn’t drive them this time, citing the need to run some errands. These errands were obviously the source of some contention as they were discussed in heated whispers down the hall.