Page 27 of Love to Stay
I’m guessing they brought my stalker here as well for treatment. It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask about him, but I’m not sure if I should. The doctor goes over how to care for my hand and not to get the bandage wet before leaving us alone.
“Guess I’m out of commission,” I joke lamely, holding up my bandaged hand. Mick doesn’t laugh at my joke. I can now see how tense he is. “Not just video games, but you know. You’ll have to take care of me.” I wiggle my brows, wanting him to relax. I think the adrenaline has worn off now, and reality is starting to really kick in.
“Josie.” His hand cups my face. I close my eyes, tears beginning to fall.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper.
“Don’t fucking say that.” Mick presses kisses all over my face, stopping the tears in their tracks. “Nothing to be sorry for. The nurse was right. What you did was pretty badass, even if I want to spank your ass over it.” I give him a watery smile.
"All right." A nurse enters, interrupting the moment. “I’ve got your paperwork and prescription for an antibiotic.” Mick takes them from her. “Wait.” Her eyes roam over Mick. “You’re the guy from the TikTok video.” Her eyes swing over to me. “Holy crap, you’re the girl.”
“What?” we both ask.
“He took on three guys outside of some diner.”
“Shit,” Mick mutters. I think the same thing.
“Oh God, Mick. Pedro? He’s going to find out about this.”
How can this day continue to get worse?
Chapter Twenty-One
“You have quite the rap sheet. Robbery, assault, truancy. This says you were taken in for questioning two nights ago for fighting. Care to comment?” The policeman waves a paper in my face. Apparently, hospitals are thick with cops, and we didn’t make it out of there without someone stopping us. It didn’t help that we are now TikTok famous. They hauled us both in for “questioning,” so here I sit with another cop in as many days. Even when I was an adolescent punk, my luck wasn’t this bad.
There’s no explaining to this guy that I was poor and desperate. Because of my familiarity with the police, I know nothing you can say will change their minds. They get it in their heads that you’re trouble, and that story can’t be changed.
“Your girl is saying that she has a stalker and that he was at her door. You were just protecting her.”
“She had nothing to do with this. Can’t you let her go? She was just at the clinic.”
“Because she fought with someone.”
“She defended herself against a man. Besides, it was my fault.”
“How so?”
I don’t have a ready answer for that. “It was all me. I started it. Josie didn’t do anything. Hit me with the charges.”
The cop snorts. “You’re a young fool. If I book you, your professional career is over before it even starts.” My eyes fly to meet his in surprise. “I know your trainer Pedro,” he admits. He gets to his feet and tosses the paper aside. “Which is why I’m letting you go and writing this up as a case of self-defense. You’re lucky because there’s CCTV of the fight in the parking lot which shows that you did not throw the first punch, and here, well, your girl has a lot of evidence of being stalked. A bite on the inside of the hand is a defensive wound. Only one of you had a weapon. It all adds up. The thing is, kid, you do have a record, and next time you might not get someone like me who is willing to help you out.”
“You’re letting me go?” I’m so shocked I can barely see.
“You need to keep your nose clean.”
“Yes, sir.” I bolt out of there like the devil himself is riding my ass.
In the waiting room, Josie is pacing.
She squeals at the sight of me and launches herself into my arms. I hug her tightly, pressing her head against my shoulder. My heart feels like it’s about to burst. I set her down and look her over. “You okay? How’s your hand?”
“I’m fine.” Her smile almost breaks her face. “I was worried about you, though. I kept telling them that this was all my fault, but they wouldn’t listen. They kept talking about your record.”
“I was a dumbass kid. I should have cleaned up my act earlier, but they aren’t charging me with anything. I guess the cop knows Pedro and is doing him a favor.”