Page 19 of A Dark Mafia Christmas
I can’t take my eyes off the meaty arms wrapped around my fiancée. He watches me from over Mary’s shoulder, holding onto her a beat too long for my benefit. I meet Fianna’s gaze, and she flashes me a warning with her eyes.
Not tonight, Emmett.
“Emmett.” He shakes my hand, grinning like he’s pleased to see me. This one is for Mary’s benefit. “I can’t believe you’re getting married.” He stands so that his arm is touching Mary’s.
“You’d better believe it. We’ll be getting married here on the estate.”
But he isn’t even listening. “Mary, let me introduce you to my mom. She’ll be wanting to make your wedding cake.”
I watch helplessly as he leads Mary away. She doesn’t even glance over her shoulder at me as I hear her say, “Your mom makes wedding cakes? We haven’t thought that far ahead yet, but I’m sure she can give us some ideas.”
I tune out of the rest of the conversation and make my way back to the kitchen as soon as I can without appearing rude. They’re nowhere to be seen.
My heart is hammering now. He’s doing this deliberately to wind me up, and if he dares to lay a finger on Mary, I’ll fucking kill him, I don’t care what my mom has to say about it after.
The twins tear past me on their way inside from the back garden, and I get a waft of perfume that sends my brain cells reeling.
I step outside onto the decking, which is new, and scan the people smoking on the outdoor sofas. They’re not there. But then I spot them towards the back of the seating area staring out across our land, the fairy lights twinkling intermittently across their backs.
They don’t hear me coming. I watch as Ronan’s arm snakes around Mary’s shoulders, and she tries to dodge the embrace, sidestepping away from him and pointing at the moon. A distraction. He tilts his head back to peer up at the silver crescent, and it takes all my willpower to not separate it from his neck.
“Can anyone join in or is this a private conversation?” Of all the corny lines, I had to throw that one into the mix…
“We were just admiring the moon.” Mary moves closer to me as if she can sense my simmering anger and is trying to diffuse the situation before it arises.
Ronan faces me squarely, biceps popping beneath his sweater. “Your fiancée is gorgeous, Emmett. Lucky bastard.”
I clench my fists as Fianna appears between us, standing way too close to Ronan for my liking. “There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you.” She addresses Ronan, whose lips smile all the way to meet hers.
I can feel the anger vibrating through Emmett and shaking the ground beneath our feet. I’ve no idea what history exists between the two men, but it’s obvious that Emmett doesn’t like Ronan, and is getting all caveman protective over his cousin.
Fianna shakes her head, a gesture so brief, I almost wonder if I imagined it. “Shall we go back inside? It’s wrong of you to keep Mary away from everyone who’s dying to meet her.”
Emmett’s eyes harden like bullets. “I’m not going anywhere with?—”
“It’s fine.” Fianna’s voice is gentle but firm.
I’ve spent less than twelve hours with Emmett’s family, but I already understand that the women are forces to be reckoned with. Including Fianna. Whatever Emmett was about to say about Ronan has been swallowed while he waits for his cousin to elaborate.
“We’ve all moved on,” she continues. “We can’t spend the rest of our lives in the past.”
Ronan, eyes fixed firmly on Emmett, slides his arm around Fianna and pulls her closer to his side. There’s nothing romantic about the gesture—it’s another caveman move, the bravest and strongest guy claiming his prize: the woman. I can already see how the rest of the evening is going to go: Ronan will parade Fianna around, making sure that they are always in plain view of Emmett.
Emmett balls his hands into fists as a tic appears in his temple. “Have you forgotten what he?—”
“How could I?” Fianna shakes her head. “I’m disappointed that you even need to ask.” I can hear the emotion clogging her voice. If Emmet can’t, then he’s a fool, but I’m taking no chances.
“Can we go back inside now, Emmett?” I subtly position myself between him and Ronan. “I’m cold. And there are still so many people to meet.”
His gaze bounces off me and back to his cousin who is pulling Ronan towards the seating area positioned around a huge chimenea. I’d like nothing more than to sit out here for a while and soak up the peace of the starry night, but his mom is desperate to show off her son’s fiancée, and it’s the least we can do for her while we’re here.
I cling to his arm as we head back inside. Fianna’s shoes are killing me, and I can already feel a blister forming on the back of my left heel. I’m waiting for him to shrug me off or remind me not to interfere in family stuff that doesn’t concern me, but instead, he doesn’t leave my side.