Page 79 of Forbidden Dark Vows
“No.” Lizzie booked me a seat on the 4 p.m. flight to Chicago. It’s 3 p.m., and we’re still waiting for dessert to be served. “Ruby is sick. I’m supposed to be flying to Chicago to be with her, but I’m going to miss my flight.”
Carlos grins. “Today is your lucky day, Harry. My private jet is at your disposal. Once we’ve signed on the dotted line, I suggest you invest in one too.” His booming laughter fills the room.
I force myself to follow the conversation, to express interest in the guy’s new purebred stallion, and the home he is having built for his wife, but when we finally shake hands and say our goodbyes, I almost sprint out of the Plaza and into a waiting taxi.
Back in my apartment, I chuck clothes into my carry-on, and hurriedly listen to my messages.
“This is Talia Pagan. Nothing to report on your fiancée Ruby since she was admitted to the hospital last night, but I thought you might be interested in her mother’s movements. Seems Mrs. Jackson might be suffering from a touch of insomnia. Either that, or she was enjoying a secret rendezvous with her lover. And before you remind me that I don’t do cheating partners, this one is different. I’ll keep you posted.”
I stare at the phone. Celia Jackson has a lover?
No. I shake my head. Jumping to conclusions will achieve nothing, and I have more pressing concerns right now, like catching the Russo private jet and making sure for myself that Ruby is okay.
The second message is brief. “Mr. Weiss, I can accommodate you on Saturday morning at 10 a.m.”
I park this one for now. It’s important, but it can be rescheduled if I’m not back.
I head straightto the hospital when I reach Chicago. The receptionist points me in the direction of Ruby’s ward, and I take the stairs, wishing that I’d picked up some flowers en route. Too late now though.
Walking along the sterile white corridors, I’m reminded of my time spent in the same hospital. First me, then Graham, and now Ruby. It’s almost as if the building is playing its own role in our relationship, and while those few surreal days when we were snowed in will always hold a special place in my heart, I’ll be glad to move on from it.
My heart is thumping when I approach Ruby’s room. I don’t know what to expect. My mom had severe abdominal pains when she first got sick, and I don’t like that my brain is making me feel the way I did then, like a scared boy watching my mom deteriorate with every visit, getting sicker, frailer, weaker.
Stop it, I tell myself. Ruby is going to get better.
My fingers almost close around the handle when the door opens, and Celia steps out. She blinks, her gaze hardening when she sees me.
“What are you doing here?”
“I’ve come to see Ruby.”
She blocks the door with her petite frame. “She’s sleeping. They’ve sedated her.”
“It’s okay. I’m happy to sit with her if you’re leaving.”
Whatever game she’s still playing, I’m catching onto the rules. She clearly doesn’t want to let me in, and I’m not leaving until I’ve seen Ruby.
“Visiting time is over.” She glances in the direction of the nurse’s station as if she might find a sign to back her up.
I smile. “I’ve cleared it with the staff.”
I reach around her for the handle, and she moves in front of it, showing her intention. “She’s been restless with all the tests. She needs to be left alone. I’m sorry you’ve had a wasted journey.”
“Oh, but I haven’t. I’ll stay in Chicago until Ruby is discharged, and then I’m taking her home with me.”
I don’t want to sink to Celia’s level, sniping at each other. But I’m not a child, and I will not let her stand in my way. She might have controlled her daughter’s life in the past, but I’m here now, and it has to end.
“We’ll see what Ruby has to say about that when she wakes up.” She stands her ground, her voice rising a notch.
“Will you step aside and let me in, or do I have to involve the staff?”
“What is going on here?” A nurse approaches us on silent, efficient footsteps and is watching us both, arms folded across her ample chest, as if she caught us squabbling on the school playground. “The patients are trying to sleep.”
“I just got in from New York,” I say before Celia can respond. “I’m here to see my fiancée, Ruby Jackson.”
The nurse’s eyes slide from me to Celia.
“I’m her mom. I tried telling him that she’s asleep.” Celia arches an eyebrow like she was trying to do the staff a favor by keeping me out.