Page 51 of Forbidden Dark Vows
I follow Harry back to Lizzie’s desk in a daze. Lizzie doesn’t even question Harry but grabs her purse and ushers me back through the office to the elevators keeping up a steady stream of chatter that I barely even register.
Outside, I can’t help comparing the busy city streets with the tranquility of the farm by the sea, the water lapping the shore and the sheep bleating as they run away. There are too many sounds, too many people, too many cars.
Lizzie takes me into a small café, sits me down at a table-for-two by the window, and orders two espressos. “You look a bit shell-shocked, Ruby,” she says with a motherly smile. “He can come across as a bit of a tyrant at first, but he’s lovely when you get to know him.”
I only have her word for it, and from what I’ve seen so far, I’m not sure that I believe her.
I buysome clothes to get me through the next few days: jeans, sweaters, and a couple of shirts. I still feel unsettled after the introduction-from-hell to Harry’s father, and spending Harry’s money doesn’t sit well with me. I need to sort my life out and think about getting a new job if I’m going to stay in New York.
I’m so lost in thought that my brain takes a couple of beats to recognize my mom waiting for me inside the lobby of the Russo tower when we get back, she’s so out of context.
“You wouldn’t come to me, so I came to you.” Her gaze skims Lizzie, but she doesn’t acknowledge the other woman with a greeting. Her lips form a tight O of disappointment.
“Not here, Mom.” I close my eyes briefly, tiredness crashing through me and sending my brain cells reeling. I don’t understand why everyone is trying to keep me and Harry apart. “Not now.”
“Yes now.” She hoists her purse higher onto her shoulder like she’s arming herself for battle.
“Ma’am,” Lizzie interjects, “perhaps you’d like to come up to the office and talk to Ruby in private.”
“No.” Mom turns her steely glare on Lizzie. “I’d like my daughter to come home with me, that’s what I’d like.”
“Mom, I’m not coming home.” I stand my ground.
“Okay, have it your way, Ruby.”
Mom’s voice is cold, laced with something sharp, and I realize too late that I should’ve taken her outside. Whatever is going on, she intends to do this right here in the foyer of Harry’s place of work.
“Let’s go grab a coffee,” I say.
“I don’t want coffee. I want my daughter to call off this ridiculous fiasco and come home.”
“Ridiculous fiasco?” My voice is shrill. “Is that what Grandma said when you fell in love with Dad?”
Mom blinks at me furiously, eyelash extensions creating shadows on her cheeks. “You’re not in love with Harry Weiss.You’re playing a foolish game to get back at me for something, and it ends now.”
My chest is heaving with the effort of containing my temper. “That’s where you’re wrong,Mom. It’s only just beginning.”
“You leave me no choice then, Ruby. I didn’t want to tell you, but I don’t know how else to get you to see sense. Karl Weiss is the reason your father’s company went bankrupt. Because of that man, your father had a stroke and has never worked since.”
I knowthe instant Ruby walks back into my office that something is wrong. She doesn’t make eye contact, instead, her eyes seek out and follow my father’s stiff back as he rises, grabs his suit jacket from the coat stand in the corner of the room, and goes to leave. We haven’t known each other long, but our bonds are deeper than conversation and amazing sex.
“Ruby?” I rise too, walking around the desk to stand in front of her, forcing her to look at me. “What’s happened?” I reach for her hands, but she pulls away.
“Did you know about my dad’s business?” There’s a tremor in her voice that makes my skin prickle.
“What do you mean? About it folding shortly before he had his stroke?”
“No, I mean aboutyourdad being the reasonmydad lost his business.”
I shoot a glance at my father who has frozen by the door, head lowered, his back still facing us. He doesn’t look around. Doesn’t even move, although he clearly heard Ruby’s accusation.
“What are you talking about?” It’s a feeble response, but I’m frantically trying to piece together how a simple shopping spree has degenerated into this crazy idea that my dad ruined Graham Jackson’s life.