Page 109 of Forbidden Dark Vows
I shake my head. “Brandon Graham Weiss. It’s perfect.”
Harry takes our son to the window. “You see this, Brandon Graham Weiss? This is New York city. That building over there—” I smile as Harry gestures to the skyline through the glass “—is the Chrysler Building. Impressive, huh?”
Harry glances over his shoulder and winks at me.
“This building—” he points somewhere right of the Chrysler Building “—is going to be Weiss Tower one day very soon. That’s right,” he adds as if the baby asked him a question, “Weiss is your name. And I’ll tell you something else, Brandon: one day, this will all be yours. The entire city. The United States of America. The entire planet. There is nothing too big, or too grand, or too far for my son, and don’t you ever forget it.”
Harry looks at me with tears in his eyes.
“He’s listening to every word I say.”
I can’t help smiling at my two beautiful men. “They say that babies are sponges.” I read every baby book I could find while I was pregnant. “They soak up more information in their formative years than at any other point in their lives.”
“I’ll have to start teaching him about the business then. He’ll be prepared when it’s time for him to take over.”
“What if he doesn’t want to take over from you?” I arch an eyebrow at my husband. “What if he wants to be a teacher, or a journalist, or a dancer?”
“He’s my son. He can do whatever he damn well pleases, so long as he does it from his office inside Weiss Tower.” Harry chuckles to himself. “Oh, I almost forgot your mommy’s gift,” he murmurs to the baby.
“You bought me a gift?”
One thing I learned early on in our marriage: there’s no point telling Harry that I don’t want or need to be spoiled. He has made it his life’s mission to do exactly that, spoil me, and if he gets it into his head that he wants to buy me a gift, or book a vacation, or buy an antique crib for the baby’s nursery, nothing or no one will stop him.
“Over there, Brandon…” Harry gestures to the window again. “Is a place called Greenwich Village. You’d better get used to the name because that’s where you’re going to grow up. I’ve bought your mommy a townhouse in Greenwich Village with a courtyard out the back and a garden annex for your grandfather.”
He turns around to face me, his eyes glistening with tears.
I push back the covers and swing my legs over the side of the bed. My movements are still slow following Brandon’s birth, and I’m still adapting to my flat belly after months of not being able to see my feet, and Harry is there before I can stand up, ushering me back into bed.
“What are you doing, Ruby? I wouldn’t have told you if I’d known you’d try to get out of bed.”
“I’m fine.” I peer up at him. “I’ve had a baby; I can still stand up and hug my husband.”
Relenting, he helps me onto my feet and the three of us hug together, me, Harry and our son.
“Am I interrupting something?” The voice comes from the open doorway.
I whirl around to find my dad standing there with a bunch of vibrant wildflowers in his hand. “Dad!”
“I’ve come to meet my grandson.” He enters the room, still supported by his cane, but looking stronger than I’ve seen him since his first stroke. “Although I don’t think you need any more flowers.”
“A wise woman once said, you can never give the woman in your life too many flowers,” I say, welcoming my dad into our hug. “Meet Brandon Graham Weiss. Your grandson.”
Dad sits down, stows his cane to one side, and Harry places the baby carefully into his arms. Tears stream down his cheeks as he peers into the green eyes of our baby.
“He looks just like you did when you were a baby, Ruby,” Dad says, his voice filled with emotion. “Welcome to the world, baby Brandon. You’ve made all our lives complete.”
He has.
You don’t realize there is anything missing in your life until your baby comes along, and then you understand that you were simply biding your time, waiting for them to arrive and fill the invisible slot that belonged to them all along.
New baby. New home. New life.
It doesn’t get any better than this.
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