Page 103 of Forbidden Dark Vows
“Do you want me to stop?” I grip her thighs tightly and lick my lips relishing the taste of her orgasm.
I drag my tongue across her pussy. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you.”
“Yes, I want you to stop.”
I let her go and, in one fluid movement, slide out from under her and penetrate her from behind, raising her ass to meet my thrusts. My suit pants are still caught around my ankles, but I don’t care. I need this. I’ve never needed this more and knowing that I have the rest of my life to enjoy this beautiful woman makes my own orgasm come hard and fast.
After, we lay on the bed, Ruby on her side, resting her head on one elbow so that she can see me.
“Hi,” she says. “Good trip?”
I can’t help smiling at her. “Very productive.”
Her cheeks are flushed, her hair tumbling over her shoulder and caressing my bare chest. She looks different somehow, and I study her face, her eyebrows, the color of her hair to make sure I haven’t missed a trip to the salon.
“Does this mean that you’re all mine now until after the honeymoon?”
“Ruby, I’ve been all yours since the day I met you.”
“You know what I mean.”
“I do.” I kiss her on the lips. Pause. I’ve been putting this off, but now I know I’m out of time. “Ruby, there’s something I want to tell you,” I say at the same time as Ruby says. “I have something I want to show you.” We both smile.
“You go first, Harry.” She chews her bottom lip, and I know she’s up to something from the gleam in her eyes.
She rests her chin on my chest and peers at me like I’m some kind of demi-god. “I haven’t told you about my family.” Her eyes narrow, just enough for me to notice. “My family back in Ireland. They’re not… Well, they’re not just family. You’ve heard of the Mafia, right?”
Ruby nods.
“The Mafia doesn’t only exist in Sicily like the movies would have you believe.” Another nod. “My family… We have connections. My father… I’ll take over from him someday.” I wait. This mightbe the day that Ruby stands up and walks away from me, or it might be the first day of the rest of our lives without this hanging over my head.
“Wow,” she says finally, and I release the breath I didn’t realize I was holding. “Does that make me a future Mafia boss’s wife?”
“How would you feel if I said yes?”
Ruby smiles, and I allow my heart to flood with more love than I ever thought I could contain. “Harry, I always knew there was something about you that was different to every other man I ever met. You’ll look after me, won’t you?”
I pull her over my chest and wrap my arms around her tightly. “With my life, Ruby. I promise.”
“And our kids?” I feel her heart beating against mine.
“Goes without saying.”
“Then I have something to show you.” She pulls out of my embrace, stands, and offers me her hand.
I ditch my suit pants, pull up my boxers, and follow her to the bathroom where she stands in front of the mirror, and turns to face me, her expression suddenly serious.
“I can’t get enough baby pickles.”
I chuckle. “O-kay.”
“Ihatebaby pickles. I always pick them out of my hamburgers because they make me cringe, they’re so green and slimy.” She shudders to prove the point.
“So, now you like them. Tastes change. It just means that, one day, we’ll both have the same tastes. It’ll make eating out a whole lot easier. No arguing over tacos or noodles.”