Page 21 of Trigger
I wanted him here with us where he was fuckingsafe. Where the Russians couldn’t goddamn touch him.
I jabbed a finger into his chest hard enough to make him wince. When he reached up to grab my wrist, I yanked my hand back, stepping back out of his reach.
“You’re a fucking asshole,” I snarled before I turned and forced one foot in front of the other. I needed space. I needed a fucking breather. I was goddamnraging. My skin was too tight on my body, and my chest fuckinghurton the inside. Like Trigger had physically shoved his hand into my abused chest cavity and was clenching my heart in his fist as tightly as he could.
“Is everything okay?” I heard Scorpion ask Trigger as I headed for the stairs. I eyed them warily but still forced myself to cross the distance to the staircase despite knowing climbing each step was going to fuckinghurt.
“Chase is just throwing one of his tantrums,” Trigger told him. My teeth audibly ground together, and my jaw cracked. “He’s just pissed he’s not getting his way. You know how he is.”
Halo barked out a laugh that just grated on my nerves even more. Clenching the staircase banister, I yelled over my shoulder, “I can still fucking hear you, dickface!” I barked. “You’re sleeping in another goddamn room tonight.”
Silence rang through the clubhouse, but I didn’t give a fuck. I forced one foot in front of the other as I climbed the staircase, only stopping when I reached the landing, slumping against the wall, my breath panting out of me and sweat making my wounds burn and my clothes stick uncomfortably to my skin.
Fuck you, Trigger, I sourly thought as I pushed off the wall and made my way toward my room. And when I slammed the door behind me, the walls shook.
Isighed when the door to our room upstairs slammed shut so hard, the roof above my head shook. Scorpion clapped my shoulder, shooting me an understanding smile. “He’ll come around,” he assured me. “He just needs time. You saw how he spiraled when Sophia was attacked.” I swallowed thickly, remembering how wasted he’d gotten. And he’d fucked his way through every club hang-around we had in an effort to get the haunting image of our woman out of his brain. Johnston had just about lost his shit with him. I hadn’t cared too much about his methods of coping at the time, but now, I knew if he tried that shit, I’d fucking lose it. “If something happens to you, he might not be able to get through it.”
With that, Scorpion strode away, heading for his wife, who was wiping down glasses behind the bar. Deciding to give Chase some time to himself, I pulled my burner phone from my pocket and strode back into the chapel, typing in Blayke’s number. He answered on the third ring, sounding winded. I smirked.
“Balls deep in pussy?” I teased.
“Fuck you,” he grunted, making me snicker. I heard a woman moan in the background and knew he hadn’t stopped fucking her just because I’d called—the kinky fucker. “What’s up?”
“Need you, Dom, and Lawson to come out to the Texas charter,” I informed him. “We’ve got some planning to do, and I want the three of you with me for whatever we decide to execute.”
“Alright,” Blayke grunted. “I’ll touch base with Johnston, and then, we’ll hit the road.”
“Get your nut in first,” I taunted because I just couldn’t fucking help myself. “This can wait that long.”
He snorted. “Go fuck yourself, Trigger.” With that, he ended the call.
I shoved my phone back into my pocket, then slipped out of the chapel, heading for the stairs. Sophia cut me off halfway, and I arched a questioning brow at her. I was surprised she hadn’t tried to go up and check on Chase herself.
“Yes, sunshine?”
“Is Chase okay?” she asked, glancing behind her toward the stairs before looking back at me. “He seemed pretty pissed. I didn’t think it’d be a good idea to disturb him right now.”
I sighed and cupped the side of her neck, leaning down to softly kiss her. She sank into me easily—like letting me support her was as easy as breathing. And fuck, it made me all warm and fuzzy inside to know she trusted me this deeply. Especially knowing that before she’d finally given into Chase, she’d hated bikers due to her shitty past with her father.
“I pissed him off,” I told her honestly. “Give me some time to fix things. He’s just in his feelings. You know how he gets when it comes to our safety.”
She frowned at me, and her brows pulled low over her pretty eyes. “What’s going on, Trigger?”
I shook my head at her. “I’ll fill you in on what I can later, okay? I promise. I need to get upstairs to him before he hurts himself more than he probably already has.”
She nodded and moved out of my way. I jogged up the stairs, taking the steps two at a time. When I pushed open the door to our room, I could hear the shower running, and I sighed, rolling my eyes. He knew he wasn’t supposed to shower with those fucking staples in.
He was on a goddamn roll today, apparently, and his end goal was to piss me the fuck off. Tough for him—I had endless patience for him.
I stripped out of my clothes and then made my way through the open bathroom door. He was standing under the spray of water, his head hanging down, one hand braced against the wall. Pausing, I took a moment to admire him and drink him in, taking in the ink bleeding across his skin and the muscles bunching in his back from tension. He was truly fucking beautiful in a rough and rugged kind of way.
He jerked in alarm when I stepped into the shower with him, spinning him around to face me. I didn’t even give him a moment to open his mouth before I was kissing him and backing him up against the shower wall, getting him out of the spray of water. He grunted when his back met the cold tiles, but then he was moaning and arching into me as I wrapped my fist around his hard cock.
God, I couldn’t get enough of how quickly he responded to me.