Page 9 of The Valentine's Bet
“It’s okay to be a romantic.” Nellie says. “In fact, this city isfullof romantics.”
“That’s not what I was told at the speed-dating event.”
“Well, you probably just got stuck with some guy who had a chip on his shoulder. There are a lot of people like that in the city, too, and you can’t let them ruin it for you.” Nellie leans back against the red leather booth and smiles. “I know we just met, but I can already tell you have an infectious personality and you’re very charismatic. Don’t give up.”
“For sure.” Zach nods. “You’ll find someone. I’d suggest a few events, but it’s been so long since I’ve set foot in onethat I don’t know which are the most reputable anymore. My recommendation would be to stick to the good areas of the city, and you should be fine.”
I nod, suddenly feeling a whole lot better about the dating scene in New York.
It’s finally time to order our food, so I opt for the lunch portion of fettuccine Alfredo with a Caesar salad ... and devour it. I don’t know if it’s thebestItalian food I’ve ever had—my hometown of Chicagoisknown for its food—but it’s a close second.
“Thanks for getting my lunch,” I say as we step back out into the freezing New York air. “I really appreciate it.”
“Of course.” Zach smiles. “It’s only right we buy you lunch on your first day.”
“So, have we totally scared you off, or are you going to dive back out into the New York City dating scene?” Nellie asks.
I nod without hesitation. “Oh, I most definitely will. I wasn’t sure I was going to after the not-so-great experience at the speed-dating event ... but I’m not ready to give up. I’d really like to have a date by New Year’s Eve.”
“Then you better get busy.” Zach laughs. “You can do it.”
Yes. Yes, I can.
And as soon as I get off work, I’m going to find another singles event to attend.
Chapter Four
“Well, well, well... Look who decided to finally show up.” Mia laughs as I step through the door of the coffee shop. “How nice of you to join us, Parker.”
“Hey now, it’s only been a couple of weeks.” I shrug. “You’re acting like I’ve been MIA for months.”
“You might as well have been,” Weston says, taking a seat beside Mia and John, two of our good friends.
“Oh, shut it,” I snort, pulling out a chair and taking a seat. “I went and visited my mom for Christmas.”
“Does your mom have a new boyfriend yet?” John asks, shooting me an amused look. “Seems like every time we talk, she’s found a new man—that she claims isthe one.”
“Ha, ha,” I comment, my voice flat. “No. Thankfully she doesn’t. I think she’s finally given up on her pursuit.”
“She has terrible taste in men,” Mia says, letting out a sigh. “But her heart is in the right place. She’s a romantic. You gotta admire that.” She takes a sip of her coffee and shrugs. “I wish I had her courage.”
“Uh, I don’t.” John shoots her a weird look. “Considering we’ve been together for nearly three years and you’re myfiancée... I don’t really know how to take that.”
She giggles, winking at him. “I’m just messing with you, babe.”
“Anyway, my sister got engaged,” I say, changing the subject, sort of. “To that guy she met in college.”
“Ah, the on-and-off-again guy?” Mia looks intrigued.
“That’s the one.” I grimace, rubbing the back of my neck as the barista brings us our coffee. “He proposed to her on Christmas morning. I don’t know what she sees in him, but for some reason that I still don’t understand, she keeps taking the loser back.”
“The millionaire loser,” Weston points out. “I could probably overlook a few flaws for that kind of bank account.”
“That’s so shallow.” John makes a face. “No wonder you’re still single. You’re never gonna land a woman with that kind of attitude.”