Page 76 of The Valentine's Bet
Stop being gross.
“What do you want me to teach you, Amy?” I ask instead, sounding more indifferent than ever.
“How to spot the red flags. I know that it’s kind of counterproductive with the bet and all, but...” She looks up at me with pleading eyes, her plump lips set in a slight pout.
“Yeah,” I say, taking a step back. “I’ll teach you about red flags.Tomorrow.I have to get some sleep.”
Or I’m going to be a freaking red flag.
Chapter Twenty-Three
“I’m taking you out,” Parker says to me as he pops a piece of popcorn into his mouth. “Like, now. So, go get ready.”
I raise a brow, still half-asleep in my pajamas and leaning against his granite countertops. “It’s only eleven.”
“Yeah, it’s a lunch date.”
I furrow my brow, but as I open my mouth, trying to understand what the heck is happening, he stops me.
“It’s a mock date. You said you need help spotting the red flags. I spent a lot of time thinking about how to do that, and I decided I’m gonna take you on a mock date—and treat you the way youshouldbetreated.” He reaches into his black hoodie pocket. “I also made flashcards.”
I giggle. “What for?”
“It’s calledSpot the Red Flag.”
“Wow, you really went all out.” I shake my head at him. “That’s sweet of you.”
His facial expression shifts. “I’m just being practical. Plus, I’m tired of seeing you blindly follow any guy who shows you some interest.”
“That’s rude,” I snap, suddenly offended. “I don’tblindlyfollow anyone. I mean, I ... I think I could walk away from someone.”
“Yeah, once everything goes wrong.” Parker scoffs. “Please just let me help you learn how to spot the red flagsbeforeyou go on another coffee date with some creep.”
I sigh. “Okay, fine. I’ll go get ready.”
“You could just wear your pajamas. I kind of dig them.”
My face heats up as I glance down at my white silk long-sleeved pajama set. “You’re making fun of me.”
Parker smirks. “Am I?”
“I don’t know.” I groan, tilting my head back and stalking toward the spare room. I hear Parker laughing behind me and I can’t help but smile, even if he is the most frustrating man I’ve ever met.
My eyes shift to the bag I packed in one big hurry last night. I sift through the contents, pulling out a pair of black mom jeans and a red sweater. I pull out my Vans as well.
Hopefully, Parker’s taking me on acasuallunch date.
My heart flutters in my chest as I think about going on adatewith Parker. All the feelings that I’ve been trying to forget seem to bubble to the surface. I sigh, pushing my hair out of my eyes.
We’re just friends.
I hurriedly get dressed and fix my hair, opting for just a little mascara instead of a full face. Besides, this is just amockdate, as Parker said. It’s not serious.
I slip out of the bedroom and glance around, wondering where he went. Granted, this apartment is big enough that it wouldn’t be hard to slip away.
Parker’s bedroom door opens before I can go looking, and out he steps in a pair of dark wash jeans and a black pullover. His dirty blond hair is styled, giving him an edgy vibe with the shadow of stubble on his jaw.