Page 66 of The Valentine's Bet
“Parker Harris?” the guy says into the microphone. “You here?”
Oh, shoot.
I step forward, giving him a little wave. “Sorry.”
“You’re with Alice Watson.” He gestures to the petite dark-haired woman. She’s wearing a burgundy dress with Doc Martens. It’s an edgy, kind of cool look... I guess.
She smiles brightly and I do my best to smile back. “Hi. You’re super cute.”
“Thanks,” I say, letting her lead the way to a table. She picks one a couple of rows away from Amy. I take the back seat, which allows me to lookrightat her. I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing—especially considering she’s already laughing with her date.
“So, your name’s Parker?” My date’s bird-like voice cuts through my thoughts.
“Uh, yeah,” I say, just as someone sets down a couple of waters in front of us. “And you’re Alison?”
She frowns. “Alice.”
“Right, sorry. Like Wonderland. I won’t forget again. It’s just a little bit of an off night for me.”
“Then why did you come?” Her voice is flat, unenthused.
“Because I don’t like to miss things I sign up for. I try to be reliable.” I look her right in the eye, meeting her hazel irises. She’s sizingmeup, I can feel it. And I don’t blame her at all.
“Why do you think we matched?” Her question is thoughtful, not remotely insulting.
“I don’t know,” I answer. “Why doyouthink we matched?”
“Hmm. You look like a jerk.” She laughs. “And I always get matched with guys who look like jerks.”
Oh boy.
“Okay, well that’s good to know.”
“I’m hoping you’ll prove me wrong.” She nudges me with her foot under the table, and I kind of want to kick her back—but that wouldn’t be very nice. My eyes shift over to Amy, who’s sipping on a glass of red wine. Her thick lips are curled up in a smile, her entire expression bright with amusement and awe.
Whatever her date is telling her, she’s all in.
She’s not even looking at me. She’s forgotten I exist.
“You’re literally being so rude right now,” Alison—Alice—Ali-something says to me, her tone sharp. “If you want to just sit and stare at the chick you came in here with, then maybe youshould be askingherout instead of dragging her along with you to these things. Likejeez. I’m so over men being jerks. I bet you’ve slept with her, haven’t you?”
Whoa. Big assumptions.
I turn to her and inhale a deep breath. “I’m gonna be honest with you. This is a waste of time. I don’t want to be in a relationship.”
She glares at me and swoops up her water glass from the table—and I barely see it coming before it hits. “Screw you.”Oh no, no, NO.
Ice water connects with my face, soaking my T-shirt.
I suck in a sharp breath from the shock.
“Have a good night,Parker.” She slides off the stool, flips her hair over her shoulder, and storms right out...
Andeveryoneis gawking at what just happened.
“Ouch. Guess that date didn’t go so well,” the guy says over the PA. Everyone laughs.
Well, except for Amy. She’s just staring at me, her eyes wide with shock as droplets of water drip from my face to the table. I wipe my face with my sleeve, knowing I somewhat deserved what just happened.