Page 58 of The Valentine's Bet
I laugh. “Doubt it.”
“You never know,” Eliza reasons as I pull back the covers and climb into bed. “Sometimes people can surprise you—in a good way.”
“And in a bad way,” I grumble, glancing down at my ankle. “The guy I was ice skating with when I sprained my ankle literallylaughedat me when I fell.”
“What a jerk,” Eliza mutters. “Guys can be so cruel sometimes. Well, actually, people in general can be cruel. It’s an epidemic these days.”
“No kidding. Parker almost fought him.”
Eliza giggles. “Of course. Did Parker also sweep you off your feet and carry you to the ER like a knight in shining armor?”
I freeze, my mind replaying the way he picked me right up off the ice and held me in his arms. “Actually... Hedid.He carried me like I weighed nothing.”
“Oh my gosh, you’re kidding.” Her eyes go starry. “That is seriously thesweetestthing ever. What a good guy. I think Parker has a heart of gold beneath all that tough exterior. I’ve never met him, but based on everything you’ve said about him, I just have this strong feeling that he does.”
“Yeah, he’s not so bad.” The words come out awkwardly, and I suddenly realize there’s alotmore weight to them than I originally thought...
Am I falling for him?
Chapter Eighteen
Where is she?
I drum my fingers on the table at the café, waiting for Amy to show up. Don’t get me wrong, she’s not late. I’m here fifteen minutes early.
I didn’t want her to be waiting for me.
But now my nerves are fried.
Staring at my phone, I look back on our text messages, mostly mundane with funny memes—or me asking her how she’s feeling ... including the text that she never responded to. It bothered me at first.
Until I reminded myself that it shouldn’t. Because despite how perfectly she fit in my arms when I carried her off the ice, or hownaturally stunning she looked fresh-faced in her flannel pajamas, it doesn’t change the fact that we’rejustfriends.
Besides, she was probably just busy at work. I know she misses messages while she’s in the zone.
I do, too.
I rub my jaw and lock my phone screen.
I really need to get these feelings under control.
Because at the end of the day, even if Ididlike Amy, it’s not like I can give her the steady, long-term relationship that she’s looking for. And thelastperson she needs to get involved with is someone who can’t commit. Someone who’s afraid to put their heart on the line. Someone like ... me.
But it’s okay, because I’m pretty certain I’m destined to be forever alone.
I look up and spot Amy steadily limping toward the table. She looks just as gorgeous as always, and for all the times I’ve heard about a person being described as someone who lights up a room...
Yeah, that’s Amy.
“Hey,” she greets, sliding into the seat across from me. “How’s your day been?”
“It’s been good. We’re working on some new software, but I think it’s a waste of time. I hate it when we duplicate a program that’s already been made and then try to one-up the original creator.”
She nods. “I get that. Happens all the time, though.”