Page 50 of The Valentine's Bet
“Yeah, butlook at her.” Brittany motions to me. “She’s freaking cute. Why are you not dating her? You guys would seriously make the cutest kids.”
“Remember that conversation we had about thinking before you speak?” Parker snaps at her.
She bursts into laughter. “Oh, come on. Lighten up. It’s all in good fun.”
“I’m sorry in advance.” Parker gives me a weary look. “There’s nothing I can do about the comments she makes.”
I giggle. “It’s all in good fun.”
“Ooh ... Now Ireallylike her!” Brittany grabs my arm and tugs me toward the door. Parker lets out a groan, following behind us.
“Oh, by the way,” I call over my shoulder. “I got you a date for tonight. Well, sort of. A friend of my coworker is coming, and we’re going to meet up with her.”
“Great,” Parker shoots back at me. “Just what I need.”
I can’t tell if he’s serious or not, but Brittany quickly takes over the conversation, asking me about my family—and then telling me all about her recent breakup and how she’s living with Parker now.
She brings out a different side to Parker—it’s obvious that he takes care of the people that he loves...
He’s a good person.
When we make it to the rink, Brittany and I hunt down skates while Parker gets stuck on a phone call.
“He’s not as cold as he comes across, you know,” Brittany says as I grab a pair of women’s size sevens. “What happened with our parents scarred him for life, but I think when he meets the right girl, he’ll change.”
“You think?” I glance back at him, now talking to a redheaded woman. I overhear her introduce herself as Louise. My stomach knots up, but I ignore it. For all I know, I might be setting Parker up with the woman who will change it all for him.
“You’re the only girl he’s ever introduced me to,” Brittany adds, catching my attention. “Other than, like, his friends’ girlfriends.”
“Really?” That catches me by surprise. “I figured he’s had lots of girlfriends—or even just friends that are girls.”
She shakes her head. “No, not really. Like I said, he’s built up this massive wall around himself, and he refuses to give his heart toanyone. He had a girlfriend in college, but she left him because he just wouldn’t open up.”
I watch as Louise flips her hair over her shoulder and Parker smiles. “Well, maybeshe’llchange it for him.”
Brittany whips her head around to look and then laughs. “No way. Parker is just being nice because he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings. He’ll let her down easy—that’s how he does things.”
I raise a brow. “He definitely didnotdo that with me. I think he hated me from the moment he saw me.”
She snorts. “Right. Which is why he continues to hang out with you. That makes no sense. But anyway, let’s find some cuties to ice skate with.”
I nod, thankful for a subject change. “Absolutely.”
She threads her arm through mine, and we head toward Parker and Louise. “Here’s your skates, bro.” Brittany holds them out and Parker takes them from her. “Enjoy. We’re going to go find some hotties to keep us warm.”
Louise laughs. “That sounds like my kind of time.”
I smile at her. “I’m Amy.” I force myself to be friendlier than I feel.
“Oh right, you’re the one who texted me all the info. Nice to meet you! Nellie said you’re so much fun to be around. I was planning to text you as soon as I got here, but I saw this guy—and I thought, why not? And you know what’s crazy?He’sthe reason I came all along!”
“Yeah,” I say, meeting Parker’s gaze, which is trained on me. “Have a nice time.”
“You, too.” Louise beams, looking up at Parker. “I hope you’re good at skating because I’m awful.”
I don’t hang around to hear his answer, using Brittany as a scapegoat. She’s already tugging on her skates and I do the same, following her out onto the ice.
But the moment my foot hits the slippery surface, Iknowthis is going to be a long night.