Page 46 of The Valentine's Bet
“Yeah, I know,” she mutters. “Which is another reason why I don’t even want to tell him about the breakup yet. He’ll freak out. He’s been so fixated on you and me both having the family that he wasn’t able to give us.”
“Yeah...” My phone chimes in my ear and I pull it away to see a text from Amy, excitedly accepting the invitation to go skating.Great. And now my sister is probably gonna tag along.“You sure you don’t need me to come help you move?”
“Yeah, I’m sure. I’ll come over to your apartment this evening.”
“Sounds good. I’ll see ya then. Love you.”
“Love you.” She hangs up, and I let out a sigh.
Well, this is gonna be fun.
“So ... Brittany is moving in with you?” Weston gives me a funny look as he slides into the booth across from me at the café for a late lunch.
“Yeah, she’s having guy problems.”
“It could be worse. She could’ve actually married him, and then she’d be dealing with a messy divorce—though she would maybe get rich doing it.”
“No,” I stop him, shaking my head. “I’m sure that guy had prenups on the ready. Cal was not the type to share anything. Heeven made her pay to break the lease on her apartment when he begged her to move in with him.”
Weston makes a disgusted sound. “Yeah, she’s better off kicking him to the curb. I’ll tell ya that much. Your sister needs better taste in men...”
“Yeah, and to thinkyouused to have a crush on her.”
He gives me a sheepish smile. “I totally did ... and I seriously thought if I could just catch her attention, it would be over for the both of us. But gosh, I haven’t seen her in years. You know, I think I even made her a ring out of a bread tie once.”
“That’s weird ... and a little disturbing.”
“I think I still have it.”
“Yeah, point made. Stay away from my sister. You date around too much, anyway. She doesn’t need to go falling for you.”
“She’s a lawyer, right?”
“Man, lawyers are hot.” He grabs for his water and gulps it down. “Maybe I still have a crush on her.”
“Please just shut up,” I snap, shuddering. “It’s too weird. Let’s talk about something else. Besides, she’s three years younger than you.”
“So? Age is just a number, and three years is no big deal.”
I glance down at my menu, but nothing sounds appetizing.
Amy is three years younger than me...
And I kissed her.
“So, what happened on New Year’s?” Weston’s voice sounds distant. I’ve been avoiding this question all week from him, and now,since I’m stuck sitting at lunch with him, I’m going tohaveto answer.
“I walked Amy home. Her date was an idiot and ruined the night for her.”
“You mean,youruined the night for her.” Weston gives me a chiding look as I glance up at him. “I would bet money that you had something to do with it.”
“That’s an assumption, and you know what they say about those—”
“I saw you up in her date’s personal space. Everyone did.”