Page 13 of The Valentine's Bet
“That’s a great way to look at it.”
“Yeah! I mean, everything in life happens for a reason. And, of course, hindsight is always twenty-twenty. When I reflect on my relationship with Devon, it feelssoobvious that we were never going to work. Like, no matterhowin love IthoughtI was, something just ... felt off. I can’t really even put my finger on it. It’s just like an instinct or gut feeling. It’s easy to be infatuated with someone in the beginning, but once that phase is gone, you have to look at what’s left—and that’s where the real connection is. It’s about seeing the flaws and shortcomings in someone and loving them anyway. People aren’t perfect. You’ve just gotta find someone that you can forgive for not being perfect all the time and love regardless.”
“Interesting,” I comment. “I guess I have high expectations, then.”
“Well, you should! I mean, yes,everyonehas flaws. It’s up to you to make sure their flaws aren’t deal breakers.”
I nod, though I’m not even sure I know what my deal breakers would be. You’d think at twenty-nine I’d have a better grasp on this whole dating thing, but I’ve really not put much thought into it up until this point.
I can put together akillermarketing campaign but couldn’t even tell you the traits I’m looking for in a future husband.
I should probably figure that out...
“That’s good advice, thanks.”
“And it’s okay to be picky, Amy. I love that you always see the best in everyone; it’s a great quality—but it can be a little dangerous, too.” Her smile is sheepish, and I shrug.
“You’re right. I do tend to see the best in people. But I’d say that’s a strong point I have. I can see potential inanyone.”
“Yeah, just don’tfallfor the potential,” Eliza says gently. “Or you may end up wasting eight years of your life like I did...”
Before I can say anything to that, I hear a door open in the background on Eliza’s end. Nick steps into the room behind her and kisses the top of her head. He’s a handsome, tall, dark-headed guy—and a real catch. He gives me a wave on the screen, and I wave back.
“Hey, Nick,” I say.
“Hey, Amy. It’s great to see you!”
Eliza turns her head to him. “She’s getting ready to go to a singles event tonight. And we’re hoping she’ll meet some cool people.”
“Ah, that’s awesome. Well, good luck! And be sure to carry the pepper spray we got you. There are too many weirdos out in the world.”
“Yeah, yeah. I got it.” I shake my head and then smile. “I’ll let you guys go, though. Have a good evening.”
“You, too,” they both say in unison.
Ugh, to have that kind of chemistry with someone.
I hang up and finish getting ready, opting for a pair of black jeans, booties, and a crimson-colored sweater. It feels edgier than my last look, but I’m hoping it’ll catch someone’s attention this time. Maybe if Ilookmore mysterious, I’ll be more appealing.
It’s worth a shot.
After I finish perfecting my smokey eye and matching lipstick, I grab my peacoat and head out into the evening, arriving at the barrighton time—just like always. I pride myself on my punctuality.
“Name, please,” the hostess at the front says.
“Amy Gibson,” I answer, my foot tapping anxiously against the tile floor. This bar is alotmore upscale than the last, and I suddenly feel underdressed as I note thehostessis wearing a black cocktail dress.
I should’ve done more research into this place.
I nervously follow her to a booth and take a seat.
“So, as most of these go, you’ll stay in this seat and then the men will do the moving,” the hostess explains in a tone that tells me she’stired of repeating herself. “There’s a list of drinks and small plates that you can pick from. You’ll be responsible for your tab unless someone specifically requests to pay for it.”
“Okay, thank you.” My mouth feels dry as she walks away, my heart pounding in my chest.
When is the first guy going to arrive?
I need some water.