Page 39 of The Friendly Fall
I almost say something to Eliza, but instead, I catch my breath as her body is suddenlyveryclose to mine.
A slow tune, led by an acoustic guitar leads the procession before the lead singer’s sultry deep voice fills the air. I rest a hand gently on Eliza’s waist as my other hand holds hers.
“Youcandance,” she exclaims, looking up at me as we two-step slowly.
“I used to dance with my mom and sister sometimes,” I say softly, breathing in the scent of her hair. Eliza leans in closer, and her locks tickle my nose.
She’ssoclose to me.
And I just want to wrap her up in my arms and hold her.
“That’s really sweet,” she murmurs, tilting her head back to look up at me. Her nose brushes my chin as she does so, and my heart begins to hammer so hard in my chest that shemightbe able to feel it.
I hold her gaze as our bodies sway to the rhythm of the music, but this feels like so much more than just a simple dance. With each passing moment, my heart races faster and I can feel the electricity between us growing stronger.
At least for me.
But surely, she feels it, too.
Her thick lips curl upward in a sweet smile, and I fight the urge not to lean in and take them with mine.
Eliza squeezes my hand, and I search her green eyes for some sort of answer. And, for a split second, I can see the same longing and attraction mirrored back at me. My hand tightens around hers, almost as if we are holding on for dear life. But just as I think somethingmighthappen between us, the music stops and she drops my hand.
“That was fun!” she exclaims, her voice slightly breathless as she steps back, a hint of pink dusting her cheeks. “Thanks for dancing with me.”
I nod, trying to swallow the lump that has formed in my throat. “Thank you for asking me. It was … nice.”
Eliza smiles warmly before excusing herself, walking toward my mom and Ms. Marilyn, and leaving me standing alone on the dance floor.
I stare at her for a few moments, wondering if her cheeks are flushed because of the moment that we just had—or Ithinkwe had—or if it’s because her granny is embarrassing her. Regardless, I eventually muster up the courage to approach the women.
“Well, I better head home,” Ms. Marilyn says with a yawn as soon as I’m in earshot. “It’s been a long night.” She stands to her feet, slinging her purse over her shoulder.
“Me, too,” Mom agrees, before shooting me a smile. “You look like you had a good time.”
“Yeah,” I say, stealing a glance over at Eliza.
“I think I might just head home with you, if that’s okay,” she says to Ms. Marilyn. “I’m exhausted, and it’ll save you the trip.” Eliza turns to me, giving me a smile.
I nod, trying to hide my disappointment.
“Thank you so much for tonight, Nick. It was fun. I’ll see you around,” Eliza says before heading off with Ms. Marilyn.
“Well, you two got awfully close out there.” Mom taps my legs with her foot. “It was so cute.”
I pull out a chair, plopping down. “Yeah, but we’re just friends. I doubt she sees me as anything more than that.”
Mom is quiet for a moment. “Maybe just give her some time. From what Marilyn told me tonight, she’s been through the wringer.”
I nod, running my hands down my slightly damp jeans. “Probably best if I just let her be.”
Mom leans forward. “Just be patient. You never know what could happen.”
I stare off in the direction Eliza went off to, replaying the conversation we had about her not wanting to date.
Yeah, I have a pretty good idea.
But being friends is better than nothing …right?