Page 1 of The Friendly Fall
Chapter One
“Eliza, can we speak for a moment, please?” Mr. Hudson’s voice catches my attention, and I pull my eyes from the screen of my computer, turning to look at him.
“Of course.” I smile at him, but he doesn’t return it, sending my heart into a borderline panic.
Maybe it’s nothing.
Or maybe my last marketing campaign didn’t do well.
He continues to stare at me in silence as I stand up from my white leather chair, pushing it back into its place. “Let’s chat in my office,” he says in anunsteady voice, the graying strands in his dark beard appearing white under the light.
I keep my breathing steady as we exit my cubicle and head down the hallway, passing the wall of windows that overlooks the city of Chicago. It’s a breathtaking view of the city, but this morning, Mr. Hudson’s silence has captured my attention.
Why is he being so quiet?
He’s never this quiet.
My boss of five years is usually chatting my ear off, talking about future projects, and things that need to be done. But today? Right now? He’s making me antsy.
“You might want to take a seat,” he mutters as I step into the luxurious office, with another incredible view of the city.
“Did I do something wrong?” I ask carefully, smoothing out my pencil skirt as I take a seat in one of the high-backed leather chairs.
His lips purse as he walks behind his desk and takes a seat. “Well … you didn’t do anythingwrong,per se. It’s just that…”
Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.
“I’m going to have to let you go, Eliza.”
My mouth gapes, and my heart sinks. I feel like I might pass out.
“Why?” I manage to choke out, completely and utterly confused. “I don’t … I don’t understand.”
He’s quiet for a moment. “It’s budgeting, mostly. But also, Ted is going to be taking over your role. He’s multi-talented, whereas—”
“I understand,” I interject, not needing to hearanything more.
I’m one of only three women who work at this tech firm, and I’m pretty sure they’re just tired of dealing with me.
“You don’t have to finish out the day,” Mr. Hudson continues, audible relief in his voice. He must’ve been worried about telling me, thinking I would break down and cry or something.
Nope. Not me. I’m not crying in front of this guy.
“We’ll provide you with a severance package, which will cover about two months of your current salary. You’ll just need to sign a few papers, pack up your things, and turn in your badge on the way out. There are boxes in the lounge if you need them.”
I stand to my feet, albeit shakily. “Thank you, and thank you for the last five years.”
“Feel free to use me as a reference on your resume. I’ll give you a good review if asked.”
“Thanks,” I reply.
Why the heck am I thanking him after he just fired me?
I swallow the lump in my throat as I make my way back to the small cubicle I’ve spent the last five years of my life in. My heels click against the floor, seeming to echo with every step.
What am I supposed to do from here?