Page 64 of From Coast to Coast
“I’m just thinking of all the filthy things I want you to do to me.”
A surprised laugh jolts out of him, and he glances around us. I probably shouldn’t have said that quite as loudly as I did. My bag comes and Grayson lets go of my hand in favor of carrying it for me. He walks toward the exit a couple steps ahead of me, and I grin happily at his backside.He’s fucking here.
By the time the Uber drops us off at my place, it’s almost sunrise and both of us are feeling it. I had high hopes of jumping his bones the second I got him through my front door, but there are dark rings around his eyes and a definite slump to his shoulders. It’s a good reminder that both of us played a game yesterday evening and then traveled all night—his bones will still be here tomorrow and in a better condition for jumping.
“Holy shit,” he says as we walk through the front door and he looks around.
“Tour tomorrow?” Tucking my hand back into his, we leave our bags by the door as I lead him through the dark house.
We get to my bedroom and silently strip each otherdown. The room is dimly lit with early morning light filtering through the window—just enough to see by, but low enough that shadows pervade the room. It takes me minutes longer than necessary to get all his clothes off, as my hands sleepily trail over each inch of skin I reveal.
Crawling into bed with him makes me feel like I’m the winner in a game I hadn’t even known I was playing. I want to talk to him now, tell him how I feel and hear what he has to say. I want to lock him down before he realizes I’m more trouble than I’m worth and finds someone better.
“Gray?” I can no longer see anything but the outline of him beside me, having closed the shades to block out the rising sun.
I want to tell him again how happy I am that he’s here, but my mind is fuzzy with exhaustion. Instead, I slide as close as I can to his bulk, find his face with my fingertips, and kiss him. He slides an arm underneath me and pulls me into his chest so that when we break apart, I can use him as a pillow. Chest hair tickles my cheek, and I don’t fall asleep so much as leap. It’s the best sleep I’ve had in months.
When I next wake up, I do so in that sleep limbo where you can’t remember time or place. Disoriented, I crack open my eyes and squint at the clock sitting next to the bed: 11 a.m. The sight gives me a nervous sort of energy, like my body knows it’s not supposed to be in bed this late and that I’m going to miss practice.
The next thing that occurs to my half-asleep brain is that I’m lying atop someone. Not just anyone, either, but my someone: Grayson. He’s still asleep and I have to pee, so I extricate myself as silkily as possible and tiptoe over to the bathroom. When I come back, I stand next to the bed for afew moments, looking down at him. He’s flat on his back, arm still held out as though waiting for me to come back and retake my place there. He looks exactly the same as he always has, but still different, somehow.
Perhaps it’s me that’s different, though. Grayson might be the same, but I’m no longer looking at him and only seeing a friend. I’m looking at him and imagining what it might be like to have a partner. I might be confused about a lot of things, but that’s one thing that’s now crystal clear. I want that with him.
Crawling back into bed and burrowing myself back into his warmth, I decide that if I let him sleep too long, it’ll ruin his chances of getting a good night of rest tonight. The polite thing to do would be to wake him up. Obviously.
Since the last time I touched him was during the time our teams played in January, and all we’ve had in the interim is phone sex, I am horny as all hell. But dry-humping him awake lacks a certain finesse, and the whole point of this trip is to convince him to be with me. Blowjob it is. He is dead-ass asleep as I trail my hand down the front of his chest toward his waist.Christ, I missed this chest hair so fucking much.
He doesn’t react at all when I wrap my hand around him, so I give him a few measured strokes while I watch his face. He’s so handsome. Ridiculously handsome. He’s the perfect mix of masculine and beautiful.
There is still no reaction to indicate he’s any closer to wakefulness, so I slide my way down the bed, kissing across his body as I go. I give him the laziest head of all time, dancing the pads of my fingertips lightly across his stomach as I take my time with him, never once looking away from his face. I’m still pretty new to the practice of putting a dickin my mouth, so I can’t pull out all the tricks Grayson does, but he doesn’t seem to have any complaints when he opens his eyes and they immediately find mine. Heat burns away any vestiges of sleep.
I rub myself against the mattress, needing to release a little tension afterthatlook. Maybe he wouldn’t have minded being humped awake, after all.Something for tomorrow morning, perhaps.
Sighing, and probably not fully in the land of the conscious yet, Grayson rests a hand gently on my head and threads his fingers through my hair. I take my sweet time and swallow his load when he comes on another soft sigh. He cups a hand around my biceps and pulls me up to where he can kiss me, tasting himself on my tongue. I’m barely aware of the way my hips have started moving—frotting against him as we reacquaint ourselves with each other’s mouths.
“Can I?” I pant. Grayson is a full top, and I’m not sure if this is exactly in his wheelhouse. In answer, he slides his hands down to my ass and helps me set a slow, even pace.
I come like that—mouth fused to Grayson’s in sweet, slow kisses, while my pelvis drags across his in delicious friction. It’s not the all-out fucking I’d been imagining on the airplane here, but it’s perfect.And now I have five uninterrupted days to spend with him. Giddiness floods my system and I smile. He pulls back, breaking our mouths apart, and rubs his thumb over my bottom lip.
“You’re here for five days,” I tell him, shrugging as my grin stretches wider. “I honestly don’t know if I want to go out and do things, or if I just want to stay here and fuck your brains out.”
He laughs; the deep, rich rumble of it vibrating through my chest where we’re pressed together. I missed that, too.
“Is it too much to ask for both of those things?” His fingers trace over my forehead, playing with the longer strands of hair there. “I’ve been fantasizing about you on the beach.”
That perks me up. “Yeah?”
“Tan lines,” he explains. Smiling, I lean down to kiss him before pushing up off of him.
“We’re going to have to work on yours, Canada boy. That pasty skin is in desperate need of some vitamin D.”
He sits up as I step off the bed and stretch, arms above my head and back bowed. Nothing like an orgasm to get the juices flowing in the morning.
“I’m notpasty,” he protests, smacking my ass as he walks past me toward the open doorway of the bathroom. I watch him go, shamelessly checking out his naked body and feeling thrilled that he’s not asking permission to use my stuff.Make yourself at home, I urge him silently.