Page 14 of Offside Rule
Xavier smiled softly. “I was wondering if you’re going to run away again.”
My breath caught in my throat. We were so close now that our noses were touching. “Is there something I should run away from?” I asked breathlessly.
His warm breath danced over my face like a light touch, and my knees weakened at the addicting sensation. I was equally scared and excited for his answer.
Xavier’s eyes darkened, and he blinked slowly before he spoke. “There definitely is.” His hand circled the back of my neck, and his thumb caressed the sweet spot under my ear.
I bit back a moan and closed my eyes, waiting for it to happen. I was stripped of all my armor, my rational thoughts, and the walls I’d built. I was bare in front of him, one single thing swirling like a mantra through my mind—kiss me.
“I want to kiss you,” he added.
“You shouldn’t,” I said with the last bit of my sanity.
His lips nearly touched mine, and when he smiled and spoke, I felt every single motion of his mouth. “But do you want me to?”
I exhaled loudly, grabbing him by his collar. “Kiss me, Xavier. Now.”
His lips crashed onto mine, the sensation of his lips so warm and comforting that I found myself comparing it to a Christmas night by the fire. I couldn’t breathe, caught up entirely by him.
Why did the forbidden apple taste so good?
“You didn’t run,” I said matter-of-factly, still in a daze after our kiss. My eyes blinked slowly as I took in the redness around her lips and the color on her cheeks.
“I didn’t.”
Her shaky voice told me her choice was something she hadn’t seen coming. She didn’t seem at war with herself, but wasn’t positive she’d made the right decision either. She wanted it as much as I did—I could see that.
So why was she overthinking it? Was she scared of what this kind of involvement would mean for her career? Or did she have someone else?
The thought sent a rush of heat through my veins, my skin burning at the abundance of unpleasant scenes going through my head. I pictured a man touching her skin, her hair, her lips—and all I wanted was to make it stop.
How was it possible to experience such jealousy over something that hadn’t even happened? When I’d known her for less than a week?
Her phone rang, and the moment she read the name of the caller, her entire posture changed, her back straightening and face turning to stone. It's like she’d completely forgotten aboutme or anything else around. Arianna sat up from the bench and answered the call.
“Yes?” Arianna’s voice was on edge. She took a deep breath, her eyes round as she listened to the other person on the line.
I squinted at her. If I had to guess, whoever called her either didn’t reach out often, or didn’t phone her unless it was important.
“Why didn’t you call me sooner? I would’ve changed my flight.” She paced from one side of the bench to the other, a hand in her hair. I stood there, because I had no idea what to do to help.
“Giulia comes first, Mamma. What I can and can't handle is my decision to make,” Arianna sighed, dropping back onto the bench. “Is she okay now? What did the doctors say?”
Giulia? Did she have a sister?
She had a frown on her forehead, and her teeth sunk into her bottom lip. “I should’ve been there,” Arianna replied in a small voice. “I know, I know. Is she sleeping now? I want to talk to her.” She nodded at something her mom said. “Alright. Call me when she wakes up. Bye, Mamma.”
Arianna ended the call, staring into the distance without blinking. I dragged myself closer to her and she flinched, suddenly remembering I was there.
“Is everything okay?”
Tears filled her eyes, but she didn’t let them escape. She shook her head, looking down at the phone in her lap. Arianna bit her lip, glancing at me as if she was considering whether to tell me what had happened or not.
“My mom called,” she started. “It’s my daughter, Xavier. She’s sick.”