Page 101 of Love Not Qualified
My jaw twitched. I was going to make that man eat his own balls if he suggested one more time Haelyn should work for him. It was as if the prick sensed that the bridge between us fell or maybe it was my imagination.
She nodded, returning the pleased expression. “Thank you.”
Gorig’s team placed their laptops on the table in front of us, glasses pointed at their noses. Haelyn and I got up and I stopped myself from placing a hand on the small of her back to guide her to our seats.
She took a deep breath and dragged the chair under her, the remote in her hands.
Did she eat anything today?
Haelyn started talking, presenting our profits and victories over the years, but my attention was all on her. On the way her lips moved so slowly, how she occasionally threw a quick glancearound the room to see everyone’s reaction, at how she spoke so clearly and focused on my company.
I knew I was supposed to pay attention and to make occasional add-ons or more in-depth explanations, but it was hard to focus when all I could think about was getting her back.
And looking back in retrospect, I had an idea.
At some point, Gorig interrupted her. “That’s amazing. But what assets would your firm bring us if we have what you have and ten times more above that?” I shot him a look, but not because of what he said, but because he didn’t let her finish. “Why should we work together if not simply for your own benefit?”
She placed her hands on the table, raising her brow. “I’m sorry, but do you think your target audience is just the one you already have? It’s true your company is way more developed than Mr. Graves’, but when was yours founded?”
“In 1970, by my father.” Gorig nodded.
“In that case, your buyers and clients are just as old. Graves Automobile Company was founded six years ago and in two more years it might be standing on top of you. Having different audiences might be the exact reason you should consider this possible partnership as fitting. You’d be surprised with how many companies Mr. Graves has partnered with when they just started. Now, he owns half of those companies only because he supported them right from the beginning,” she said, the tone of her voice a challenge. “I’m not saying you’ll get to own a part of his company, but your sales will have a boost you didn’t think about. I took the liberty to make a sample test so I can prove I’m right.” She clicked a button on the remote and the slide changed to the potential profits in three years.
Gorig and his team spoke about it for a while and when their conversation was done, Haelyn continued.
“And before we finish, Mr. Graves came up with the idea of including you in a secret project no one has seen to this day.” An image of a car popped up, and then she continued to the mechanical part of the job and the room fell quiet. She looked back at Gorig. “This might change your perspective about the partnership.”
He got up from his seat, then walked around the table, and stopped to analyze the sketches. Groig’s eyes were big when he looked back at me. “No one has seen this?”
I shook my head, replying.
“Good.” He nodded, crossing his arms over his chest. His team started to gather their things and after a few moments of staring at the images in front of him, he talked. “We’ll get back to you once we discuss things. Can I get a copy of the presentation?” Gorig asked.
“Sure.” Haelyn got up and fished a disc from her purse, then handed it to Gorig.
I realized then I didn’t give a flying fuck about how this turned out because, in my eyes, Haelyn already won. She handled Gorig like a goddamn pro.
Ten minutes later, we were out of his office, and the meeting we waited for so long had ended. I thought I was going to walk out of this building with my heart beating out of my ribcage and while it was doing that, it had nothing to do with Gorig and everything to do with Haelyn.
I opened the exit door for her and she silently stepped out. When I noticed she was about to turn left with no goodbye or other words addressed, I caught her by the elbow.
“Let me drive you home,” I urged.
Without looking at me, she released herself from my weak hold. “I think I had enough time stuck with you in a room, Mr. Graves. You’ll get my resignation tomorrow morning,” she said and then just like that, she strode away from me.
Resignation? What was she talking about?
“Haelyn,” I shouted after her, but she didn’t stop.
Was she leaving? Because of what happened between us?
No. I couldn’t let her.
If she left, I wasn’t going to see her ever again. If until now I wasn’t satisfied with the mere sight of her, I agreed with myself that even that was better than not having her around at all.