Page 34 of Save Me
I lean down, kissing her cheek. "What are you doing here, Ma?"
"Can't I come to visit my son?" she asks, all innocence. As if I'm buying that. I bet she stopped by just hoping to accidentally bump into Isla.
"You know you aren't supposed to be driving, Ma."
"Who says I drove?" she sniffs at me.
"Did you?"
I grin, shaking my head. "You just couldn't wait to meet her, could you?"
"Well, she wouldn't have to wait if you'd have taken me to visit her already, Brantley," Isla says, jumping to her defense. "It's your own fault, really. You can't tell your mom that you met someone, and that you'll bring them over, and then not follow through immediately. That's just rude."
"Oh, so now I'm rude, huh?"
"Yes," Ma says. "Incredibly rude."
Isla bobs her head in agreement.
"Jesus Christ." I shake my head, laughing at the severe looks on their faces. "So, now you're both going to gang up on me and give me shit, aren't you?"
They exchange a glance and then nod at the same time.
I laugh again. "Of course you are."
"Someone needs to do it, Brantley Eugene," Ma sniffs. "You spend too much time worried about everyone else and not nearly enough time worried about yourself. Isla can help keep your priorities straight."
"My priorities are straight, Ma."
She sniffs at me again, holding out her hand to Isla. "Help me up, will you? I need to be getting home."
And part of me fucking hates that she asks Isla instead of me because she knows what being touched is like for me. But my girl immediately jumps to her feet, helping my mother to hers. And I push the guilt away, forcing myself to smile.
"Oh, so now that I'm here, you've got to run," I tease. "I see how it is."
"I've known your moody ass your whole life, dear. She's far more interesting than you are."
I growl at her, shaking my head. Christ, I love the hell out of her. Despite everything, my father never could kill her spirit. As hard as he tried, he couldn't break her. She's always been too goddamn strong for that.
Isla wraps her arms around my mom, hugging her. "I'll come visit you soon," she promises, mischief in her eyes when she glances at me. "I might even bring your son with me."
My mother laughs, squeezing her tight. "You're precious, Isla Sterling. If he doesn't do right by you, I'll never speak to him again."
"He does plenty right, Ms. Maureen."
My mother kisses her on the cheek and then grabs her cane and steps toward me. "Take me out to that fine cowboy of yours so he can walk me to my car, Brant."
"Yes, ma'am," I mutter, shaking my head. "I'll be right back, little bird."
"I'll be here," Isla says, grinning at me.
Ma and I stroll toward the door, her leaning heavily on her cane. The fact that she needs so much assistance worries the fuck out of me. She definitely shouldn't be driving.
"I'm going to have Daniel drive you home, Ma," I murmur. "You really shouldn't be out driving."
"Fine, fine," she sighs. "If it'll keep you from fussing."