Page 30 of Save Me
He rubs my back, holding me close. For long moments, we sit just like that, simply holding each other, before I feel compelled to speak again.
"This is your company now, Brantley. Your building. His ghost only lingers if you let it."
"I know, little bird," he says quietly. "And I don't intend to let it."
"Good because you deserve peace." I cup his cheek, smiling at him. "If I have to show up here every day to help you find it, that's what I'll do."
"You would, wouldn't you?"
"Yeah, I would," I whisper, my heart in my throat. "Because it's impossible not to fall for you too."
He falls still, his eyes fluttering closed before he groans softly, pressing his forehead to mine. "We're really fucking up this whole plan of yours, aren't we?"
"Plan?" My brows furrow, confusion funneling through me.
"Yeah. I help you. You go back to your life. I go back to mine. That plan."
"Oh." I laugh ruefully. "Yeah, I guess we are, aren't we?"
"You upset about it?"
"Not even a little bit," I whisper, earning a smile from him. And then I bite my lip. "I am worried though, Brantley."
He pulls back, glancing at me. "About what?"
"About you. About my dad." I shrug. "About everything."
"You're having nightmares. You're dealing with a lot. It worries me," I admit, stroking his cheek. "I want you to be okay because you deserve that."
"I'm good, little bird."
"You're not," I whisper. "And that's what worries me. The fact that you think you are."
He brushes his lips across my forehead again, but he doesn't deny that I'm right. I think we both know that he can't. He can tell himself all day long that he's good and that he's fine, but I don't think he's ever been either. He's just been faking it, holding it together with duct tape and glue because he didn't know what else to do. Sooner or later though, the duct tape gives out and the glue wears thin.
That's why Daniel is here. Because Daniel knows it too. And he's just waiting for the day Brantley cracks, doing what he can in the meantime to make sure that crack doesn't split his friend in half.
"Just promise me that, if you get to a point where you're really not okay, you'll call someone," I demand. "Don't undo all the work you've done and all the progress you've made because you think it's what you deserve."
He eyes me silently for a long moment before he nods. "I promise, little bird. If that day comes, I'll call for reinforcements."
"Thank you." I lean forward, kissing his cheek.
"Why are you worried about your dad?"
"He's overprotective on a good day. And we aren't having many of those lately. I don't want to hide you, but…"
"You're afraid to tell him about us," he says.
"Yeah." I swallow hard. "I may end up in Texas with Bella if I do."
"Because it's me." The look in his eye… God, I hate that look. It's like he thinks he isn't good enough for me. And that's the other reason I know he isn't okay. He still doesn't see himself clearly. He still has too many other voices ringing in his ears, drowning out his own.
"Because he doesn't know you," I say firmly. "You could be a freaking preacher, and he'd feel the same way. He doesn't trust anyone with us, especially not right now."
"I get that, baby. In his shoes, I'd feel the same damn way."