Page 96 of Claiming Sarah
She blushed and glanced in his direction, while he spoke with Drift. “Yeah. We’re good.”
I was glad to see her affection with Deacon had returned. Knowing that they’d resolved their issues warmed my heart and made me hopeful about our future together.
When we landed at Valor’s, there was a new cottage built next to his. I looked at Deacon, who grinned like a besotted schoolboy and stared at Sarah. Valor came out of his cottage,accompanied by Silence, Fan, Bell, Mock, and a handful of others I didn’t recognize.
Valor grinned at his son, then Sarah. “Don’t be mad—I asked Deacon not to tell you.”
“What’s going on?” Sarah frowned up at Deacon. “More secrets?”
“Just this last one. I promise.” He leaned down and affectionately kissed the top of her head.
She turned her attention to Valor. “What is it?”
“First of all,” Valor said, rubbing his hands together in excitement. “I got a new vivector to watch the split disk games on.”
Deacon chuckled. “Father, theotherthing.”
“Oh, yes!” Valor gestured toward the quaint cottage next to his. “Sarah, if you would like, this can be your new home.”
She gasped, her eyes lighting up at the gift Valor had just offered her. “Oh my gosh,really?”
The cottage was green, with a silver roof like Valor’s. A short fence encircled the front yard. The yard was planted with seeds—the ground was left in rows for vegetation to grow.
Silence stepped forward, a serene smile on her face. “I planted several crops, cabbages, onions, carrots, all kinds of hybrids of course. The soil on Halla won’t grow the kinds you’re used to from Earth, but they’re close. So you might feel more at home here.”
Sarah’s voice cracked. “That was so sweet of you, Silence, but I don’t know how to garden.”
The other woman shrugged. “I am happy to teach you.”
“How does a princess know how to garden?” Sarah asked curiously.
“I was allowed one feminine hobby, per my father’s orders,” Silence told her. “I chose gardening, so I could leave the palace occasionally.”
Sarah unexpectedly hugged Silence. “I appreciate this so much!”
“Come on, let’s show you around your new place,” Valor said jovially.
He walked us through Sarah’s cottage—a copy of his own, with the addition of an office and extra spare bedrooms.
“I thought you might need a place to think, considering everything,” he said thoughtfully. “And even though the rest of the house has them, your bedroom does not have a bone handle.”
Curiosity brimmed in her eyes. “Why not?”
“Security,” he explained. “It’s not impossible for a ghost to get in to the cottage, but without a bone handle it will slow them down. I don’t imagine you want too many ghosts in your bedroom.”
“Good guess,” she said, looking happier than I’d seen her in days. “I can’t believe you did all this.”
“It wasn’t just me.” Valor waved his hand toward his crew. “Fan, Bell, Mock, Anchor, Blaze, Stiff, Maverick, and Wilder all helped. I just supervised, really.”
Sarah beamed at him, joyful tears in her eyes. “All of you, I can’t believe this—it’s—thank you, this is wonderful. I love the cottage. If there is anything I can ever do for any of you, do not hesitate to ask.”
“There isonething.” Mock stepped forward. The short older man was at eye level for Sarah. His voice was soft. He faced her, next to Valor and Silence. “But this is something I need to include you two in, as well. I know you’ve all been concerned about Silence and the twins. Understandably concerned. She is ununited, subject to the whims of ghosts and possible possession. And since Valor cannot unite with her, on account of being dead and a ghost and all that, I thought perhapsIcouldunite with Silence. Only to keep her safe. I don’t mean to imply anything else by it, Valor.”
Silence and Valor exchanged a glance.
Sarah shifted awkwardly on her feet. “I don’t mean this to sound the wrong way, but I’m not sure why you includedmein this.”
“You are the only living conduit,” Mock explained. “And I need to know if my consort understands why I’m doing this.”