Page 27 of Claiming Sarah
He frowned up at me. “What was that for?”
“Sorry, Deacon,” I muttered. “I was still kind of asleep.” I offered my hand to him to help him up.
“I’ve got it,” he grumbled as he stood.
I made room for him once more on his bed. Somehow, Deacon’s morning tumble and the bright light had not woken Sarah. Her snores were still heavy—not that I was surprised aftereverything that had transpired at the temple the night before. She had to be exhausted.
Deacon spooned me and wrapped his arm around my waist. He murmured, “Go back to sleep.”
But I knew that I couldn’t. Sandwiched between the two of them, I was antsy, and troubled. I didn’t understand anything that had happened at the temple with Sarah, and I couldn’t rest any longer. I needed answers.
“Can’t sleep. I’m getting up.” I tried to pull away, but he held firm.
Deacon licked the side of my neck and his hand skimmed its way down my abdomen. “Think she would wake up, if we had a turn, just the two of us?”
I caught his wrist before he could grip my cock. “As much as that sounds like a great way to wake up, I’m too warm right now for anything like that.”
“Very well.” He released me, and I got out of the bed. Deacon spooned Sarah while I dressed, but then he looked over his shoulder at me. “Would you like some company, wherever you’re going?”
“I need to go for a walk. Alone.” I didn’t like lying to my companion, but I couldn’t do what I needed to do with Deacon around. And if I told him what I was up to, he would have insisted on joining me. “But thanks, anyway.”
I grabbed a few things and left his ship for the outdoors. There was only one person I could go to for answers. Knocking on Valor’s door, I tapped my foot. My patience was gone. Silence answered the door, so I tried to keep my manners. “Good morning—”
“Morning?” she asked in her dulcet tone. “Jac, it is early evening.”
I looked around and realized she was right. “Damn. Well, uh, is Omen around?”
Omen popped up behind her, her eyes filled with concern. “What is it? Is Sarah alright?”
“She’s fine—she’s asleep. I need to speak with you. Join me for a walk?”
“Sure.” Omen stepped around Silence, who smiled and closed the door behind her. “What is on your mind?”
I swung a bone knife to her throat and said, “You told me before that we’re not friends."
She held very still, her eyes wide. “That’s true. We’re not.”
“So how would I know if you ever told me the truth?”
“You don’t.”
That seemed honest.“Are you manipulating Sarah for something?” I demanded to know.
She was plainly shocked. “I have no idea—”
I dug the blade under her jaw—not cutting her, but close. “Do not lie to me!”
“I’m not!” she insisted. “Jac, where is this coming from?”
“You saw what happened to Sarah last night, Omen. She died!”
“But she’s alive now—”
“Because we gave her CPR!”