Page 15 of Claiming Sarah
“You will walk away with immense powers and not only control of the conduits,” she said, her tone serious. “Being the contra, I expect you to receive something special.”
She was so certain I was thiscontra, but the concept was difficult to wrap my brain around. “But those powers are individual to the conduit, so you don’t know the details, right?”
“No, I don’t.” She sighed. “This is frustrating, I know. I wish I knew more. Can I assume you have never been in a fight before what happened here?”
I tried to keep my mind focused on the question, but it brought back too many other horrible memories. Beer breath. The smack of a wall against my face. Loud voices. I gulped and tried not to blab to Omen. She may have been my only follower, but she was also a stranger, and I didn’t want to burden her with my past.
“Not really,” I said.
“Then, you need training. The test could be anything from a child’s game to full combat. I will feel better about sending you to take the test, if you are better prepared.”
“That’s a good point. I guess I could ask Deacon—”
She laughed, like she was insulted. “Iwill train you, Sarah. Deacon is a merciless warrior, but he does not know how to wield our gifts.”
“Alright then,” I said, trying to shore up my fortitude for what was to come. “When do we begin?”
My ghost had tried to crawl out of my skin all night long. Having been sent word that Sarah was back on Halla, I wanted nothing more than to return to her, and Deacon, too. But we couldn’t leave without Volatile’s permission, and if I asked for it, he would want to know why, and I wasn’t ready to tell him where one of his daughters was. I didn’t think he would compromise Sarah in any way, but anyone on his staff could.
Over breakfast pleasantries, he smiled. “I sent you the list of some of my children.”
“Some?” Not all?
He arched a brow. “You may be as noble as you claim, but I have yet to see any proof. So, you’ll get to meet some of my better equipped children. Ones I trust to handle themselves if they need to. Once you have explored that list and I am satisfiedwith the interactions, we can talk about the rest of my children.Ifthey are still needed, after you meet the others.”
I did not like going back to Deacon with a partial list, but I would take what I could get. I gave him a tight smile. “I’m sure Deacon will understand.”
“His father raised a reasonable man, I’m sure he will,” Volatile said, then gestured towardSovereign.“Your crew seems anxious to return.”
Tiger stood next to the cargo bay door, arms crossed, glaring at us on the patio.
Volatile stared right back. “He looks familiar—”
“You may be thinking of his cousin,” I said. “They had the same gray skin, same purple overtone, similar build. Kapok was my second for many years.”
I tried to sound neutral, for fear of losing my shit when I thought about how Kapok had been ruthlessly murdered by Mother Portend. “We lost him recently.”
“My condolences,” Volatile said sincerely. “It is never easy to lose someone close to you.”
I cleared my throat and nodded once. “Thank you.”
“I am due for a meeting in an hour, Cozz. Best of luck with your mission. Tell my children hello for me.” He stood and dropped his napkin on his plate.
I stood, too, eager to leave. “Will do. Thank you for your hospitality, Volatile.” We went our separate ways, and I smiled at Tiger as I passed him. “We’re ready to go?”
“More than ready,” he grumbled as he followed behind and locked up the cargo bay.
I eyed him curiously. “Whymore than ready?”
“Volatile’s gardener didn’t like keeping his hands to himself,” he said in a heated tone.