Page 27 of Starry Night Kisses
“I don’t know. You’re setting the bar pretty high for our first official date, aren’t you?” I arch an eyebrow and throw him a smirk over my shoulder as I head to the table to make a mimosa.
A bowl of strawberries cut into heart shapes sits next to the bucket of champagne, and I pluck a few for my glass before popping one in my mouth. “How long have you been up?”
He checks his watch. “A few hours now.”
“You should have woken me up!”
“You’re not a morning person, and besides, I kept you up all night. The least I could do is let you sleep in.” He brings a platter over and sets it on the table, taking a sip from the glass I offer him.
My mouth waters at the sight of the thick, fluffy dough dotted with fat, juicy blueberries. It’s not until I get one on my plate that I realize they are also heart-shaped. Picking up a piece of bacon from the second platter he sets down, I bite the end and wave the rest in a circle as I say, “Are you always this sugary?”
His brows draw together as he sits across from me. “You mean in terms of what I eat?”
I laugh. “No, and thank you for breakfast, by the way. This all looks amazing.” I dip my knife into thebutter dish and spread it over my pancake before reaching for the syrup. “I mean with all the decorations and themed stuff.”
Eric continues to avoid my eyes as he dishes up his plate, calling the dogs over to give them each a piece of bacon. “Does it bother you?”
“Absolutely not!” I reach over the table to grab his hand, dipping my head to catch his gaze. “Eric, I love it. Thank you. Seriously. I just want this to be because youwantto do it. Not because you’re trying to impress me.”
He rotates his hand to grasp mine, lifting it to press a warm kiss on the back. “I can promise you this is for no reason other than wanting to make you feel special.”
“Okay,” I relent.
“It’s not too nice guy? I know you women don’t like it when we’retoonice,” he jests.
I pop a piece of pancake in my mouth, my laugh turning into a moan as my head falls back while the tangy juice from the blueberries explodes on my taste buds, mixing with the sweetness of the syrup and the pillowy texture of the dough. “No, it’s not too nice guy. Besides, I know there’s a darker version hidden in there, too.”
Eric chews slowly before washing his bite down with a large gulp of his mimosa. His voice deepens as he asks, “Is that what you’d like for your gift, Evelyn? The darker version of me?”
I don’t know why, but I suddenly feel like I’m at the edge of a precipice. If I stay where I am, I knowI’ll be safe. But if I jump off the edge… Who knows what the bottom will look like, even if the fallisexhilarating.
“Maybe.” The word comes out in the barest of whispers. Quickly, I drop my eyes to my plate. “Is that what you’d like foryourgift?”
When my eyes rise back to his, his smile is positively wolfish. “Baby,youare my gift.”
Warm, gilded rays illuminate the trail as we hike up a small peak. The dogs happily romp ahead of us, their leashes continuously getting crossed, forcing Eric and I to switch places every few steps.
“You know, I was thinking about last night,” Eric starts, a wry smile twisting his lips. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask about protection.”
My confusion must show because he lets out a dry laugh. “I know we were caught up in the heat of the moment, but I should have asked about not using a condom.”
Oh. Oh!
“Honestly, it didn’t cross my mind, either.” I hadn’t even thought of it. My cheeks grow warm as I peek over at him. “There’s nothing to be worried about, right?”
Eric looks mortified, his electric blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight as they widen. “No! And if there was, I would have told you and definitely would have used protection.”
“Okay.” I shrug. “It’s fine then, really. No need to worry.” I give him a peck on the lips before winding my arm around his waist and leaning my head on his shoulder.
The intimacy doesn’t last long because walking through the woods on a twisty trail full of knotted tree roots isn’t ideal while you’re in an embrace. His arm slips from around my shoulders, sliding down to tangle our fingers together.
“I actually have something kind of embarrassing to admit,” he says quietly, as if he’s afraid the trees will overhear his secret.
“What is it?” We switch places as the dogs tangle their leashes again, and I make a mental note to get one of those double leashes where they can cross and not get caught up. Though, on second thought, I’m not sure if that will work with their vast size difference.
“I haven’t been with anyone since just after Daphne.” He winces.
“Why is that embarrassing?” It’s surprising, for sure. Eric seems like a highly sexual person, and it certainly didn’t feel like he’s been out of the game for years.