Page 17 of Playing with the Boss
My spine hits the edge of the metal shelving seconds after Mason has the door shut behind us. He steals a kiss, his tongue sweeping mine before he pulls away and reaches for an archive box.
I giggle as he stacks it the way of the door so if we are to be interrupted, we have time to react. He sets another on top for good measure and then turns back to me with a wicked grin.
“God, you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with.”
“We hardly work together,” I correct.
He grabs me by the hips and sets my ass on the edge of the shelf behind me. “Stop ruining my fantasy.”
“I thought we just agreed this is dangerous?”
He shrugs, positioning himself snug against my knees. “We did.” His fingers wrap around the hem of my skirt, and with a few quick tugs, he has it adjusted high on my thigh. “But even though you know sky-diving is dangerous, driving fast in a car is dangerous, riding a rollercoaster is dangerous, you still do it just that once.”
I suck in a sharp breath when he jerks my legs wide enough to step between. All that separates us now are my less than adequate panties and his rather expensive looking slacks.
It’s still too much.
“You’re seriously not thinking of—” I’m silenced with a less than gentle hand to my mouth.
Mason turns his head to focus on the door as muffled voices near, and then pass. I should be more concerned, given my current situation, yet all I can do is admire the strength of his neck, the sharp line of his jaw, the way his goddamn profile has me considering the risk factor in taking this further.
Get it together, Lisa. Think with your head. Lord knows your heart is one confused child when it comes to men.
“I’m thinking about it,” Mason whispers once he seems satisfied we’re in the clear. “But I won’t act on it.” He drops his chin, gaze focused on the space between my thighs as he leisurely drags the fingers that were across my lips mere seconds ago, over the material of my panties. “At least, not today.”
Have mercy on my soul. My eyes slip to half-mast as a shudder ripples through my languid limbs.
“We start again,” he commands in the tone of voice I imagine he uses in meetings like the one he should be in now. “The right way.”
“There is no right way when you’re management, and I’m your staff,” I point out.
His eyes narrow for the briefest second, challenge firing in his irises. “I will tell you what’s right and what’s wrong, Miss East.”
“Is that so Mr. Roberts?” I raise an eyebrow.
He rolls that luscious bottom lip between his teeth before answering. “You know what?”
I lift both eyebrows as though to ask.
“I was going to let you off light, just now. Fix this skirt—” Mason watches his hand as he fingers the material. “—and then set you on your feet before I left you with no more than a gentle kiss.” A wicked smile graces his lips as he brings his gaze back to mine.
I damn near combust.
“But not anymore.” The hand on my skirt slips back to my now decidedly soaked panties. “Just for that, I think I’ll be a minute late to the meeting after all.”
All I can do is brace for impact as he drops to his knees. My hands find purchase on the steel belts that frame the shelving, my jaw slack with shock, or maybe arousal, as my panties are jerked to one side.
An appreciative grumble rises from Mason before he ducks forward and strokes my pussy with a long sweep of his tongue.
I swear to God I won’t be able to walk past this room again without creaming at the memory.
He laps what I have to offer, eliciting a moan from me that was probably far too loud for the narrow storeroom we occupy, but who gives a damn fuck when his tongue has me mentally scouring the Positions Vacant listings in readiness for my imminent dismissal.
“You can’t stop with that,” I whine as he rocks back on his heels.