Page 15 of Playing with the Boss
Things got out of hand.
At first, I thought she’d be up for more fun, given the hot and heavy session we’d shared at the club the weekend before. But then I saw the real, human side of her at the hotel and I considered doing what I could to help her, but that resolve was short-lived the moment she worked that goddamn bar like an angel in stiletto heels.
A need took root deep inside of me. The sort of crazed possession I’ve never felt with a woman before. Even with my ex, I tolerated her when I wasn’t fucking her. I’ve just… I’ve never had a real connection with a woman before.
But Lisa.
I prodded and poked at her, bating her for a response, because I love her wit and sass. I love the way she stands up for herself and isn’t afraid to fight back.
That fire.
I need it. I want to burn in her embrace.
And that, when I’m here to assess her role among others, is not okay.
I had to bail. I had to leave before I did something seriously stupid like force her back to my hotel and spend the night torturing her with sex until she gave in.
Instead, I spent what was left of the evening torturing myself, jerking off to the memory of the night. Despite all that tugging, I didn’t get her out of my mind all weekend. Not one little bit.
I still want to make Lisa East mine.
Lisa Roberts. Fuck my life. I’m a goddamn schoolgirl doodling initials on my notebook already.
“I’ll go round up the others,” Alf states as he rises from his desk, breaking me from my daze. “From what I’ve heard, they have something to discuss.”
“Any idea what it is?” I haven’t spoken to the other managers since I got in this morning. Apparently, a couple of them were more than angry that I skipped dinner Friday night.
Cry babies.
“No.” Alf hesitates by the door. “I’ve got no idea what the agenda is, but I gather it’s serious. Tony was in discussions with Pete when I got in this morning on the line in the boardroom.”
Shit. Pete—our CEO—isn’t exactly my biggest fan. Not when his niece is my goddamn ex.
“Go get yourself a coffee while I track these idiots down,” he offers.
“I might do that.” Fuck—I need the hit to get me through this morning.
I duck out into the hallway and avoid eye contact with people as I head for the break room. When you’re on site to evaluate everyone’s worth in the company, the staff start to look to you for a sign—anything—that gives them hope.
It’s easier to avoid them altogether.
I bury my focus on my phone as I round the doorway to the small kitchenette. A gasp pulls my attention from the email on my screen, and I glance up with just enough time to avoid a collision… with her.
Lisa scowls, a slight shake of her head letting me know where I stand when she sidesteps me and heads for the hall.
Her heels hesitate on the worn carpet, yet she keeps her back to me.
“I’m sorry about Friday.”
Her shoulders sag.
“I was an asshole, and I owe you an explanation.”