Page 76 of Down Beat
“Suicidal Dream” - Silverchair
Dusk dulls the sky outside as Tabby-cat and I sit on her living room floor, the flyer for the local pizza shop between us. I rocked up here a little after breakfast not entirely sure what sort of reception I’d get given the way I’ve treated her, but I was sure of one thing—this is the right decision.
My phone’s been off all day, and I’ve resisted the urge to check Messenger or my emails. Still, the promise of the shit storm I’ll face when I return to the tour leaves me a little panicked every time the thoughts creep in.
“I have one firm rule,” Tabby announces with a lift of her palm. “No anchovies.”
“Deal.” I nod once, rereading the list.
I can’t stand the fucking things either, but if she’d said they were her deal breaker I would have gladly held my breath with each bite just to please her.
“Can’t go past one stacked with meat.” I point to the option that seems to cover all bases when it comes to being carnivorous.
Tabby leans forward a little to read the list of toppings. I shamelessly steal the moment to commit her to memory. She’s fucking beautiful without trying. Fucking beautiful. I have no doubt that half of her appeal comes from what shines within. Where my soul is beaten and bruised, hers brings warmth with it that I don’t think I could manufacture if I tried.
“Okay. We’ll get that one if you’ll humor me and buy the devil’s food cake for after.”
She rises to her feet, flyer in hand. “Cash or card?”
Tabby crosses to where she left her phone on the counter while I kick back, weight on the heels of my hands as I watch her. My gaze drops to the boots on my feet, the studs adorning the sides, and the strategic worn patches on my designer ripped jeans. For a moment there I forgot who I was while we hung out today. It’s not as though we did anything special. She found some old nineties movie on the TV, and aside from that we made small talk about daily life. The only thing that reminded me I’m Rey the recognizable face, and not Rey the guy with fucking needs and wants, was when she offered to head downstairs to the pastry shop to get something sweet for lunch on her own.
She had a point: if I want to take time out, I need to stay incognito. And apparently I was recognized the last time I was here, even though I didn’t see it.
“Shit.” She turns to face me, still looking down at the phone in her hand. “Toby’s been blowing up Kendall’s phone looking for you.”
Dang it. My perfect day fizzles with a pop and a bang.
“Suppose I should call him.”
She frowns further, still reading. “Do they know where you are?”
“Not entirely.” I roll to my side and then stretch out to pull my phone from my jeans.
I look up to find Tabby watching me with a raised eyebrow.
“I told them I needed today off and walked out of the hotel.”
“And then?”
“Then nothing. I switched my phone off and jumped in the cab out front.”
She sighs, clearly frustrated. “You didn’t tell them where you were going at all?”
I shake my head as my phone powers up. “Didn’t want them bugging me.”
“Toby is apparently going nuts because he thinks you’ve gone somewhere to harm yourself.”
Oops. “I didn’t think of that.”
“You know what?” She drops down onto the floor in front of me. “I looked you up the day after we met so I could learn a little about this guy who made me a crazy offer to open for his concert.”