Page 18 of Down Beat
“You’re still on.”
I halt, earning a frown from Kendall. “I’m what?”
“You’re still playing.” He can barely contain his excitement.
“Stop fucking with me, John. When? When am I playing?”
“Tomorrow night.”
My silence urges him on.
“I got a call from Dark Tide’s manager, and he said they want you to open for them.”
“Look,” I snap. “I appreciate you’re trying to break me out of this mood with black humor, but fuck it, John, I wanted that concert. Playing a prank isn’t going to cheer me up.”
“It’s not a prank,” he levels. “They’re serious. I don’t know what the hell happened—maybe they looked you up on YouTube—but they want you to open for their concert. It’s only a few people, not as big as they’re used to, but it’s good for you.”
“And the tickets we sold?” I slouch against the front of the building.
Kendall stands before me, hands on hips.
“They get transferred over.”
Holy shit. “How does that even work?” I ask. “I play classical, they’re rock.”
“I don’t know. I’m the messenger, that’s all. You need to talk to them about the logistics. I’ll email you their contact details in a few.”
“Thanks, I guess.” I’m still hesitant to believe it. None of it makes sense.
“I’ll be in touch later.”
John disconnects, leaving me staring at the phone in my hand.
“What’s happened?”
I look up and meet Kendall’s concerned eyes. “I’m still playing.”
“I’m opening for Dark Tide.”
“Holy shit.”
Yep. Holy shit.