Page 13 of Down Beat
“Still Counting” - Volbeat
Rick drops his feet off the coffee table as I walk into the hotel room, Kris in tow. Our new buddy, Pete, gives a mock salute before shutting the door behind us as he leaves.
“Got a job for you, Momma’s boy.” This shit is going to be epic.
Rick straightens in his seat, arm slung over the back as I toss the napkin down on the table.
“Ring this guy. Like, now. And make sure Tabitha’s tickets don’t get refunded.”
“Um. Why?” He leans forward to retrieve the number Tabby wrote down for me.
Yeah. I know she said not to call her that, but damn. Meow. Hot little thing suits it.
“She’s opening for us.” And proving my point while she’s at it.
“Uh, Rey,” Kris murmurs, “you never told her that.”
I throw my hand up in a mock pistol at him. “That’s because she would have said no.” I bop the thumb hammer.
“She’s kind of a key ingredient, if you could even pull the whole thing off.”
“Pull what off?” Toby wanders into the room, shirtless and barefoot.
The man would get around nude if he had half the chance.
“Little Tabby-cat is opening for us. That way she gets her concert, and we do this publicity thingamajig for the fans.” I give him a wicked smile. “And when our fans boo her Beethoven-loving ass off the stage, then we get free entertainment too.”
“You’re an asshole.” He frowns. “What does she play exactly?”
“Violin,” Kris mumbles.
“Vi-what?” Toby laughs. “Violin and rock? Mm-kay. I can see why you think this would be a disaster.” He lifts an eyebrow and wanders over to where Rick frowns at his phone. “What does Daddy say about this?”
“He doesn’t know yet,” Rick answers absently, thumb tapping the screen. “He’s about to find out… now.” He beats the screen with finality and tosses his phone down.
I retrieve it and throw it back in his lap. “Ring the publicist dude. Now.”
“I need the go-ahead before I can jack something like this up,” Rick protests. “I can’t just change everything on a whim.”
“Why the fuck not?”
“There are things you need to do first. Rules to follow.”
“Fuck rules.” Since when have we got anywhere by obeying the rules? “Just call the guy and get him to hold off on canceling everything in the very least, okay?”
“Rey, man?”
“What?” I snap my gaze to Toby.
“What does it matter if it’s canceled? She’ll get another spot. If you’re doing this just to fuck with her—”
“Place is booked for three months, or some shit,” Kris explains as he pops his earbuds in. “She needs the cash before then.”
“How do you two know all this?” Toby drops onto the arm of the seat beside Rick.