Page 85 of Misguided
“Want to tell me why you were suckin’ my cock if you didn’t want to?”
God. Hearing him say it out loud like that really does make me sound like a head case.
“I did want to at the start. I just … I don’t know, I overthought things, and then I didn’t want to stop because you’d earned it.” I scoot down to rest the back of my head against his chest, sheet clutched under my chin.
He leans forward, staring down at me from overhead. “You listen up good, Mel, ‘cause I’m only gonna say this once.” Dog runs a finger along my jaw, a thumb over my lips. “You never owe a man anythin’, got it? If you don’t want to do it—don’t. And if a man ever makes you feel bad for that” —he shakes his head and sighs— “well he ain’t much of a man, then, is he?”
“Nothing,” he says pressing a finger to my lips. “It was my choice to do everything I have for you.” He holds my gaze with such intensity I shrink into the sheet a little more. “I wanted to help you, so I did. I wanted to taste you on that roadside, so I did. I wanted to find you just now and make sure you were okay, so I did. I never did any of it thinkin’ it was a sure-fire way to get you to give me somethin’ sexual in return. I don’t operate like that. Got it?”
I nod, the sheet over my mouth and nose now.
He leans back against the head of the bed again, scooting me higher so my head is tucked against his shoulder. I close my eyes as he places a gentle kiss to my temple, his hands resting against my stomach, pinning the sheet to me with his arms.
“What were you thinkin’ about to make you cry?”
“I’d rather not say.” Not because I’m ashamed of it, or because I think he wouldn’t care. But because I feel as though if I give voice to my fears they’ll come true. I don’t want to jinx what we have, even if it does have a broken wing and struggles to get off the ground.
Once we work through the growing pains, I’m certain it’ll fly as colorful and spectacular as ever.
“You cause me no end of worry,” Dog murmurs, his lips pressed against the top of my head. “But I wouldn’t take you any other way.” He reaches for a pillow and shoves it behind his head. “Now go to sleep, baby, right where you are.”