Page 27 of Misguided
I’m not entirely sure he’s ready for an answer, so I sit a while longer as he keeps reading.
King sets the paper aside and rests his elbows on the desk. “I don’t see much else that would have me worried, Dog.” I could kiss the guy for his decision to keep using my road name, and not rub my birth name in my face. “So,” he continues, “you wanna tell me what it is I should be concerned about?”
“You’re right,” I say, staring down at my hands. “My surname is familiar.”
“Why?” He leans back, crossing his arms.
“Heard of a little company called Leidend Industries?”
He scoffs. “Heard of it? They only stamp their name on most of the medical research that’s carried out in this country. There’s articles all over the web about the shit they do.”
“Yeah. That one.” I toss my head back with a sigh. “My old man heads it up.”
“Why the fuck would you be so ashamed of that?” King asks. “They do amazing work towards new treatments and cures for common disease.”
“They also hike the price up on medications so they can turn a fat profit,” I snap. “Fucker could make sure every goddamn kid in this country had access to basic care, but instead he auctions off the medicines they develop to the big five pharmaceuticals for whoever wants to pay the most.”
King frowns, his fingers tapping on his stomach. “Yeah, I feel your anger there.”
“I don’t want anything to do with him or what my name makes people think.” I push out of the seat and point to the form. “So I’d appreciate it if you kept this between us like you promised.”
“Sure.” He nods as he picks it up. “You know I keep my word.”
I eye him as he makes his way over to the cabinet, unlocks it, and slides the sheet of paper away. “Thanks, Pres.”
“Hey, you aren’t completely off the hook.” He slams the drawer shut and relocks it. “I need you to keep your word about somethin’.”
“What?” I cross my arms and widen my stance.
“If this even sniffs of trouble, you give me a heads up. I know how family disputes can turn out, and if we can do somethin’ to help keep that shit separate from us here at the Aces, then let us have at it.”
“You’ve got my word.” I stick my hand out for him to shake, and he pumps it twice.
“Good. Now before you go, I’ve got one more thing I need you to do.”