Page 123 of Misguided
Mel tucks herself into my front as we ride the elevator to the first floor. So maybe I was bullshitting when I said I needed her there to keep me levelheaded. No harm done. She did exactly what I hoped she would and used her natural ability to relate to people to get Lorelle to open up.
When Rollan said she tried to kill herself, it seemed harsh to start with. I mean, fuck, I know Derek’s a class-A asshole, but damn … that bad? The more I thought about it, the stranger it seemed.
And sure enough, just like King suggested, paying her a visit brought the truth out. Yet another cover-up by my goddamn father and brother.
The elevator chimes to signal we’ve reached the bottom, and the doors start to slide open. I place a kiss on Mel’s head and then guide her away from me so she can step out first. With my head still bent to hers, I don’t even notice the danger until it’s too late.
Derek knocks Mel over in his haste to step into the elevator, pushing me against the back wall. An older couple backpedals out into the foyer as the doors slide shut again on our impromptu tussle.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Derek asks, hand fisted in my shirt at my throat.
“Seeing how my sister-in-law is feelin’.” I shove him off me, pissed that he’s steamrolled Mel in his rage.
She rights herself and lifts a hand to let me know she’s okay.
“Since when have you given a shit about her?”
“Since your fuckin’ behavior dragged me back into this goddamn family,” I holler. My voice rebounds off the wall of the small space, seeming louder than it is. “Seems no matter how hard I try to get away, you fuckers manage to reel me back in.”
Derek’s nostrils flare as he stares me down. Mel backs up against the opposite wall of the elevator and strangely hits the button for the doors to close when they start to reopen.
“What did she tell you?”
I smirk, knowing I’ve got the asshole now. “About what? Your gambling addiction, the assault you tried to cover up, or the fact you were skimmin’ from the company to pay for your gambling?”
“I never assaulted her,” he snarls, interestingly choosing the lesser of the three evils to argue.
“The cut on her arm might say otherwise.”
“She did that herself.”
“Dad goin’ to back up that bullshit if I ask him?”
Derek cocks his head to the side, probably thinking he’s in the clear since Rollan is as crooked as he is.
“Dad even sick?” I ask. “Or was that all a bunch of bullshit to get a scapegoat on the payroll?”
His pupils dilate, the rose in his cheeks rising. I’ve nailed it; he wanted me employed by Leidend so he could pin his theft on me.
“Some fuckin’ brother you are, huh, Derek?”
“What’s your life worth anyway,” he sneers. “A fucking low-life biker, or the CFO of a top five company? I know who’d be missed least.”
Mel shoves her hands behind her back, bumping the “close” button again with her elbow. She flicks her gaze at Derek’s back, urging me to stop watching her. Odd.
“I’ve got a video call with your lawyers in three hours.”
Derek frowns, fisting one hand inside the other. “Why?”
“They need a character reference, someone to say you never gave any signs that would indicate you stole from Leidend Industries. Somebody to say you’re a straight up good guy.” I suck a breath in between my teeth. “Don’t know if I can do that, you know.”
“You fucking do it,” Derek grinds out, thrusting a finger in my chest. “You fucking do it, or not only will I ruin the life of that bitch upstairs, I’ll ruin yours too.”
“Did you really think you could get away with it?”