Page 71 of Tough Love
“As though I had any other plans.”
I twist and wrap my arms around his waist as the salesman walks our way with my new keys dangling off his finger.
“A great car for such a lovely family,” he announces in that overly chipper way only salespeople can.
I look up at Evan, and he looks down at me, sharing the same amused smile.
Neither of us correct him.
And I couldn’t love that more.
My back aches from all the walking we did today, protesting as I flop down dramatically on the sofa after getting Briar to bed, much to Evan’s amusement.
“I’m absolutely stuffed.”
“You look it.”
I roll to my side, casting him a cautionary glance. “What are you trying to say, mister?”
“That you look as though you could use a long hot shower.”
“Oh, God.” I moan, rolling to my back as I drop a lazy arm off the side of the seat. “Don’t stop.”
He smirks, sliding off the armchair and crossing the room to my side on his knees. “Maybe a slow, sensual massage.”
“More. Give me more.”
He leans in, placing a kiss on the dip of my throat. “I reckon you need the tension worked right out of here”—his palm works my neck and shoulder—“and here”—he jams his hand under my side to reach my lower back—“and of course, here.” I groan as he slides his palm underneath me to press on the back of my thigh.
His sharp eyes hold mine, and he frowns slightly. “Yeah?”
“Do I disgust you? You know, after what I told you and Jess the other night?”
“That’s kind of a random question.”
“Warranted though.”
“Does this seem like you disgust me?” He gestures to the way he’s half on me, half kneeling still.
I give him a wan smile and shrug. “Maybe you’re trying to convince yourself that I don’t?”
He sighs heavily, rocking back to sit on his heels. I miss his touch already.
“What’s really bothering you?”
I look away, biting my lip. “You seem … distant, preoccupied.”
A beat passes where he stares off over the back of the sofa as he thinks.
I fold my arms over myself, suddenly conscious of how open and wanton I seem.
“Is it what I told you about Briar?”
“Nah,” he exclaims, brow furrowed. “That’s not it.”